We all remember those school days when all we wanted was to be included in events that everyone else was attending. But exclusion and misunderstandings can still happen in our adult lives. Have you ever missed out on a party you were looking forward to? Or had a falling out with a co-worker? We’d love to hear your stories and how you resolved them.
At Bright Side, we were saddened by the situation and decided to reflect on the lessons we can learn from it.

1. Always be honest. It may be uncomfortable, but telling the truth is always better than lying. Instead of lying, find better ways to convey the truth. Bob lied to his colleagues, and it only made the situation worse.
2. Apologize sincerely. If you’re going to apologize, make it clear that you understand the offense and wouldn’t want to repeat it. Bob and Pam apologized for excluding their colleague, but showed no remorse for not inviting him. A sincere apology should focus on the harm caused, rather than justifying the intentions behind the offense.
3. Explain, don’t justify. When apologizing, it’s important to explain your actions, but not justify them. Bob could have explained his reasons for not inviting his colleague without making it seem like the narrator was overreacting. Justifying the offense only diminishes the sincerity of the apology.
4. Separate personal and work lives. While it’s good to have a friendly relationship with co-workers, it’s important to keep personal and work lives separate, especially during working hours. Private issues, like who was invited to the wedding, led to disputes and tension in the office. Imagine how uncomfortable it must have been to work there during that week.