YouTuber Builds the World’s First Invisible PC Setup and It’s Absolutely Insane

YouTubers have done some pretty interesting and bizarre things in the name of content. These internet celebrities have explored secret tunnels and even spent a day in zero gravity, giving viewers a taste of life in space.

One YouTuber, Nick Zetta, has taken it a step further by creating something truly futuristic: an invisible PC setup. His YouTube channel, Basically Homeless, has a video that showcases this incredible feat, which has already amassed over four million views.

People can’t believe this is possible.

In the video, Nick Zetta starts by stating, “Everyone wants the cleanest setup. Some people claim they have the cleanest setup, but I decided it’s time to end this debate once and for all by creating a setup so clean that it’s literally invisible.”

The process began with disassembling a laptop down to its motherboard, which he then embedded directly into a desk.

To make the mouse invisible, Zetta had a computer science team develop a program that detects his hand and fingers’ location using a depth-sensing camera. This camera was cleverly hidden in a lamp, making the setup even more discreet.

The next challenge was the keyboard. Zetta managed to make it invisible by cutting a hole in the desk and embedding a keyboard inside, then covering it with liquid plastic resin.

“The screen was tricky because you want to be able to see it, yet keep the setup invisible,” Zetta explained. Instead of a standard monitor, he installed a one-inch projector inside the desk. This projector reflects the image off a mirror onto a piece of optically clear polycarbonate with an expensive nanoparticle film, creating a levitating hologram screen.

Finishing his invisible PC setup, Nick Zetta decided to test it out by playing Minecraft. He hovered his hand over the invisible mouse, successfully navigating his avatar in the game.

The YouTube community is absolutely blown away by Zetta’s skills and ingenuity. One viewer commented, “This man actually made what people in the 60s thought we’d have by now.”

Another user chimed in, “You officially have the cleanest PC setup on the Internet. Congratulations, man!”

A third added, “I’ve watched countless build videos on various projects on YouTube, and this blows them all out of the water. This is singlehandedly the best project video on YouTube.”

Someone humorously remarked, “Imagine raging in a videogame and not knowing where it’s safe to slam your fist on the desk in frustration.”

Nick Zetta’s invisible PC setup is the first of its kind and definitely takes the crown for the cleanest and most innovative computer setup ever.