Your body will give you notice one month prior to a heart attack.

Heart attacks have become relatively widespread in recent years among the world’s population. Sadly, they are the leading cause of death around the globe. Our stressful lifestyles and bad eating habits are the cause of them.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes stress reduction and a nutritious diet can protect your cardiovascular health. Additionally, it’s critical to recognize heart failure signs, which often start to manifest a month before the heart fails:

The absence of enough oxygen

Your heart won’t get the blood it needs to work if your lungs aren’t getting enough oxygen. So, if you’re having problems breathing, visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Cold and flu symptoms

These two signs are frequently present in people who are going to experience a heart attack.

Chest pressure.

This is an early warning symptom of an impending heart attack. Visit your doctor as soon as possible if you experience chest pain.


Blood flow is reduced when the arteries close. Because of this, the muscles aren’t receiving the nutrition they need, which could end in heart failure. Consequently, you should visit a doctor if you are consistently exhausted and frail.

Cold sweats and woozyness

The normal blood flow to the brain, which is essential for optimal brain function, is obstructed by poor circulation.


When you wake up from a nap or period of relaxation feeling tired and sleepy for days on end, you may be experiencing an issue with your heart’s blood flow.

The risk of a heart attack can be significantly decreased by early diagnosis and treatment of the aforementioned symptoms.

A heart attack happens when the heart’s blood flow is interrupted. Plaque, which is formed when fat, cholesterol, and other substances accumulate in the arteries supplying the heart, is the most frequent reason for obstruction (coronary arteries).

Blood flow can be obstructed by a plaque that breaks and forms a clot. Blood flow obstructions can cause partial or complete destruction of the heart muscle.

Myocardial infarction, another name for a heart attack, can be fatal, however treatment has greatly advanced through time. If you believe you are having a heart attack, call 911 or seek immediate emergency care.


Some of the most typical indications and symptoms of a heart attack include the ones listed below:

You might have pressure, tightness, soreness, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms, which could spread to your neck, jaw, or back.

A stomach bug may cause nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or abdominal pain.

Breathing difficulties

I’m starting to get cold sweats.


Sudden faintness or dizziness

The type and severity of symptoms experienced during a heart attack vary from person to person. While some people feel a little discomfort, others are in excruciating pain. Some people have no symptoms at all. Others may experience sudden cardiac arrest as their first symptom. Your risk of having a heart attack increases with the number of symptoms you have.

Although some heart attacks happen without warning, many patients have warning signs and symptoms hours, days, or even weeks in advance. The first indication could be persistent chest pressure or pain (angina) triggered by activity and relieved by rest. The temporary reduction in blood flow to the heart is a symptom of angina.

When should you visit a doctor?

Take immediate action. Some patients wait too long because they are unaware of the important warning signs and symptoms. Take these actions:

If you believe you have a heart attack, act immediately. Make an immediate call to 911 or your local emergency number. If you don’t have access to emergency medical care, ask someone to transport you to the closest hospital.

Unless you have any other options, only drive yourself. Driving yourself puts you and other people in danger since your condition could worsen.

Take the nitroglycerin that your doctor has prescribed. Follow the instructions while you wait for assistance.

Take the aspirin if it is prescribed. By decreasing blood clotting, aspirin may help reduce cardiac damage during a heart attack.

Only take aspirin, though, if your doctor or the emergency room staff urge you to do so because it can interact with other medications. If you feel you need to take an aspirin, call 911 straight away. Start by calling 911 for emergency assistance.

What should you do if you believe someone is experiencing a heart attack?

Call 911 immediately if you see someone unresponsive and believe they have a heart attack. Make that the person is breathing and has a pulse. Only begin CPR if the victim is not breathing or if a pulse cannot be felt.

Push 100–120 compressions per minute in a quick, muscular pace on the person’s chest.

Doctors advise only performing chest compressions if you are not skilled in CPR. If you’ve had CPR training, you can advance to providing rescue breathing and opening the airway.