Woman who ‘died and was in heaven for 3 days’ reveals a chilling vision of the future

The idea of life after death is as old as time itself, weaving its way through various religions and philosophies. Some folks imagine a paradise awaiting us or perhaps a chance for reincarnation, while others might believe that death is the final curtain call. Scientists haven’t reached a consensus—so for now, these concepts live and breathe in the realm of personal and cultural belief.

Enter Julie Poole, a self-declared spiritual guru who’s made it her life’s work to share her teachings with the world. Julie’s past is filled with heartache and struggle; she survived physical, mental, emotional, and—yes—**s**al abuse at a young age. These events could have easily flattened her spirit, but instead, they became the crucible that strengthened her spirituality.

Julie has always been an open book about her life’s twists and turns, and her latest revelation is nothing short of extraordinary. Once upon a turbulent time in her twenties, battling despair, Julie attempted suicide by overdosing on medication. What followed was an out-of-body experience that whisked her away to a heavenly realm. Get comfy, because this is where it gets fascinating.

In her narrative, Julie recounts a vision of guides and angels enveloping her in a celestial embrace, lifting her up to the Higher Realms. She remembers distinctly, as if it’s etched in her soul, saying, “I’m going home.” But her heavenly hosts gently informed her that it wasn’t her time. She was told, perhaps clairvoyantly, that her journey on Earth still had unfinished chapters. These ethereal conversations lingered with her even after she returned to her earthly form three days later.

Julie didn’t just come back with a brush from the beyond; she claims she returned with a prophecy. According to her, these heavenly guides shared whispers of a coming ‘Golden Age’ for humanity, set to unfold from 2012 through 2032. What is this Golden Age, you ask? Julie enlightens us, saying, “For millennia now there has been an enormous amount of power, abuse, and control…” She continued, “All of that has been held by the few and has controlled the masses.”

This impending Golden Age, as Julie sees it, is meant to even the playing field. The corrupt and deceitful would have their foundations shaken and dismantled, making room for a more equitable and truthful world. “The day of reckoning is near,” she emphasizes. While not pointing towards some cataclysmic Armageddon, Julie interprets this phase as a time when the corrupt will be exposed and removed, allowing those with pure intentions to rise.

Julie believes wholeheartedly in this transformative era and has made it her mission to spread this revelation. Her journey is more than just a story; it’s a call to arms for those who long for a fairer, more just existence. But don’t just take our word for it. Watch Julie’s incredible story and her messages from the beyond in the video below.
