Woman Sees What She Thought Was A Happy Bird, Only to Discover It’s Something Else

One day, Kym Beechey was hiking in Australia’s Popran National Park. She photographed wildflowers.

She takes her time hiking because she wants to take in the scenery. Normally, she isn’t swift enough to capture the wildlife in the region.

But, on this particular day, she hoped to get up close and personal with a creature. She realized that luck was now on her side.

Beechey claims that the birds are typically too rapid for her to photograph. So she became delighted when she saw what she thought was a newborn tawny frogmouth (a bird that looks like an owl) sitting on a limb.

She couldn’t believe her good fortune. So she instantly took out her phone.

She was preparing to photograph the small bird, which appeared to be smiling for the camera. She then zoomed in for a better image.

Then she was disappointed. The bird that appeared smiling was actually something else.

Beechey stated that she zoomed her camera and questioned why the “bird” wasn’t flying away. She then discovered it was a banksia pod.

It was a cute banksia pod that resembled a happy bird. Banksia threes produce these pods.

This one had a distinct appearance. That’s why Beechey mistook it for a cheerful bird that looked to be greeting her.

Doesn’t it look like a happy little bird?

The young bird turned out to be a banksia pod.

Banksia pods are native to southwestern Australia. They can, however, be spotted growing in New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.

They are frequently associated with pine cones. Banksia trees, on the other hand, are not conifers.

As a result, they have no relation to pine trees. The Banksia tree’s fruit is the pod itself.

They are derived from the Banksia genus of plants. Bull Banksia pods are large and durable enough to be employed in wood applications.

The size of the tree from which the pods grow can vary. Banksia grandis is the name of the plant that may produce large seedpods.

They appeal to artists and are frequently transformed into crafts. You can also find them for sale online!

The banksia’s lovely red or yellow flowers fade off, but the cone remains on the tree.

The seeds will then sprout. It is also possible to see blooms and mature cones on the same tree at the same time.

Their distinct appearance is due to the pods breaking open. In the process, they disperse their seeds.

The “baby bird” gave the hiker a good laugh. Nonetheless, she enjoyed the experience.

Even though the adorable creature was a hoax, Beechey was nevertheless pleased with the outcome. She now has another image to add to her collection of stunning wildflowers.

Because these plants have a distinct appearance, they may be mistaken for something else. In fact, each banksia pod may be distinguished from the others.

Have you ever encountered a plant that resembled another plant? Was it shaped like a bird or another animal?