Woman Arranged Fake Car Date with Man, Then Another Man Jumped Out of Trunk and Stabbed Victim 19 Times

Alabama Woman Sentenced to 10 Years for Orchestrating Brutal Attack

Shailyn Diaz, 27, has pleaded guilty to attempted murder after arranging a fake date that led to a 33-year-old man being stabbed 19 times. Diaz was sentenced to 10 years in prison for her role in the violent crime. The plea was entered on Monday, June 24, the same day her trial was set to begin, according to the 33rd Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office.


The incident began when Diaz lured the victim via social media, arranging to meet him near his home on the evening of January 7. Diaz picked him up, and under the guise of a consensual act, she had him handcuffed and blindfolded. Geneva County Sheriff Tony Helms explained that the victim initially complied, thinking it was part of the date.

When the victim complained about the handcuffs being too tight, Diaz pulled over, claiming the keys were in the trunk. At this point, her accomplice, Robert Lane Hall, 21, emerged from the trunk and placed a cable around the victim’s neck. They then drove around Geneva County before stopping to drag the victim out of the vehicle. Hall proceeded to stab the victim 19 times with a seven-inch knife.

The victim, displaying remarkable resilience, pretended to go limp, which caused Hall to momentarily stop his assault. Seizing the opportunity, the victim managed to escape and run for help. Sheriff Helms highlighted the victim’s toughness, noting that the attack missed his jugular vein on both sides of his neck by mere inches.

After identifying Hall, he called the police dispatch and confessed to the attack. “He was very open about it,” Helms stated. Hall had enlisted Diaz’s help to exact revenge on the victim for a personal grievance. On June 12, Hall pleaded guilty to attempted murder and was sentenced to life in prison.

Sheriff Helms emphasized the danger of interacting with strangers on social media, advising caution to avoid similar incidents. He expressed relief that the victim survived and gratitude for the swift resolution of the case.

This case underscores the potential perils of online interactions and the importance of vigilance. The victim’s survival and the quick legal proceedings brought some measure of justice to this harrowing event.