Why It Is Better To Be Single Than Married

Marriage and partnership have their perks, but it has been shown again and again that being single has a long list of benefits.

Here are five big reasons why being single is better than being married:

1. Iron Health:

It’s interesting to note that single or divorced individuals tend to have fewer heart problems. This comes from the extensive longitudinal research titled ‘Gender, the Marital Life Course, and Cardiovascular Disease in Late Midlife’, published in the Journal of Marriage and Family back in 2006. This study followed more than 9,000 adults over eight years to reach its conclusions.

2. More Free Time:

No matter how busy life seems, it’s true that being single leaves you with more time for yourself. Married individuals often spend significant time with their spouses and kids. As a single person, you can decide how to use your time—hopefully in fulfilling and enriching activities.

3. Ultimate Flexibility:

Remember the days when your parents and teachers told you where to be and what to do? Marriage can be similar, as you and your spouse will need to make joint decisions. Everything from where to live to weekend plans has to align with both your schedules and goals. Being single, you have unmatched freedom and flexibility to pursue your own dreams and desires.

4. Focus on Self-Improvement:

Marriage won’t magically fix your flaws; it might even highlight them. While you don’t have to be perfect before tying the knot, time spent single allows you to address and heal from personal issues. This self-improvement journey is crucial for your own well-being.

5. Fewer Troubles:

“Those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.” This wisdom from Scripture underscores that marriage can be challenging. While being single isn’t a walk in the park, it certainly simplifies many aspects of life.