What’s Missing From The Picture?

Can You Spot What’s Missing?

At first glance, it might seem simple, but most people find it quite tricky!

Have a close look at the photo above. Can you figure out what is wrong?

Take your time and good luck! Feel free to share this with others to see if they can solve it too!

Why Are Brain Teasers Important?

Keeping your brain sharp and active is vital, especially as we get older. Diet and exercise are important, but they aren’t the only ways to maintain mental sharpness. Brain teasers offer a fantastic way to keep your mind engaged and entertained. Whether you’re testing your logic skills or simply having fun, our website has a wide range of brain teasers for you to enjoy—with solutions included!

If you have school-aged kids, no worries; we have brain teasers suited for their level too. Adults can find more challenging puzzles, and seniors can even enjoy these teasers with their grandchildren. It’s a great way to spend quality time while sharpening your mind. Even if you’re busy with professional work, solving brain teasers can be a rewarding break that helps you keep your cognitive skills in top shape. Don’t worry about getting stuck; we provide answers so you can check if your solution was right.


The missing element in this riddle is “Chivalry.” Take a good look at the old woman and the pregnant woman in the picture. Did you notice in time? How long did it take you to spot what was wrong?

Benefits of Solving Riddles

Riddles are more than just a fun pastime; they offer various benefits. They help in enhancing your memory and problem-solving skills. When you work on a riddle, you need to put together different pieces of information logically to arrive at the correct answer. This process can significantly improve your visual-spatial reasoning and cognitive abilities. So, the next time you solve a riddle, know that you’re doing a great service to your brain!

Share This With Family and Friends!

If you enjoyed this brain teaser, why not share it with your family and friends? It’s a great way to challenge them and see if they can solve the riddle too!