Veteran Who Removed Satan Statue Encourages Americans To Reject Satan And Embrace Jesus

In a heartfelt conversation with Human Events’s Jack Posobiec, Michael Cassidy, the brave Christian veteran who recently took down the Satanic Temples’ statue of Baphomet at the Iowa State Capitol, fervently called on Americans to rethink their cultural values and turn away from Satan’s influence.

Cassidy’s plea comes from his deep concern about the shocking reactions he has received. Remarkably, he has faced a surge of hate mail from people either supportive of Satanism or reluctant to see the malevolence tied to Satan, as well as the inappropriate nature of displaying such statues in public places.

Addressing this diverse response, Cassidy said, “I’ve had both positive and negative feedback, which has been quite surprising. Some anonymous folks have praised my strong stand against Satanism, acknowledging the moral decay in our society. That has been uplifting.”

However, Cassidy also candidly disclosed the troubling hostility he has faced. He recounted, “I’ve also been bombarded with hate mail from Satanists and their sympathizers. It’s incredible – when I say ‘hate mail,’ I mean nasty messages through fake Facebook accounts and Twitter trolls.”

Drawing attention to one particularly touching example, Cassidy recalled a message from an angry father in Iowa who lamented that he couldn’t show the satanic idol to his daughter anymore. Cassidy shared, “I got a message from a father upset because the statue was gone. He had planned to show his daughter the statue of Satan that day.”

Cassidy strongly believes that this issue is of utmost importance. He argues that the presence of such icons and idols in public spaces can have significant impacts, stressing the need to keep them out of public sight. He explained, “It’s vital for people to understand the profound effect these icons can have on our society.”

Wrapping up his interview, Cassidy reiterated his simple yet heartfelt message: “I want people to reject Satan and embrace Jesus Christ. This should be the core message. It saddens me to see a desire to expose children to such darkness.”

During the discussion, Cassidy also emphasized the importance of shaping the beliefs of the younger generation, stating, “We must always focus on children because they are impressionable. If you can influence them at a young age, if you can instill certain beliefs in them, they will carry those beliefs throughout their lives.”

In a world where values are often challenged, Michael Cassidy’s steadfast dedication to his faith serves as a powerful reminder to all Americans to reflect on their beliefs and consider the impact they have on the future of our society.

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