She’s Destined to Always be Doll Size – A Look at the Real Thumbelina’s Life Today

Abigail Lee

At Newsner, we have a soft spot for unique stories and people who stand out from the crowd. We believe that embracing our differences is what makes us truly human. Today, we want to share the extraordinary story of Abigail Lee, a little girl living in Louisiana, USA, who captures everyone’s attention with her appearance.

Abigail, now four years old, was born with a rare condition that sets her apart from other children her age. At just two years old, she weighed a mere six-and-a-half pounds and could only wear clothes designed for newborns due to her extremely petite size. Her journey began even before birth, when her parents, Emily and Brian, discovered that something was different during an ultrasound.

Abigail’s growth was not progressing as expected, and eventually, she stopped growing altogether. This led to her being delivered early via caesarean section. Born at a weight of only three-and-a-half pounds, Abigail faced unique challenges from the start.

After weeks of uncertainty in the hospital, Abigail was finally diagnosed with Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II, or MOPD type 2 for short. Emily, Abigail’s mother, recalled, “When I was pregnant, she was always three weeks behind in her development. I did a c-section at 36 weeks, and she was sent straight to intensive care. She was doing everything normally, she was breathing and eating well, but she was small. When she was diagnosed, we had never heard of this type of ‘dwarfism,’ so we had absolutely no idea what it was.”

Due to her rare condition, Abigail’s height is not expected to exceed 60 centimeters (23 inches) throughout her life. “She only fits in clothes for newborns. So I don’t know what we’re going to do when she gets old enough to tell us she doesn’t want to wear bodysuits anymore,” Emily expressed. Despite the challenges, Abigail’s parents remain resilient and committed to supporting her every step of the way.

Abigail brings joy and inspiration to all who know her. Her unique journey reminds us of the strength and beauty that can be found in our differences. Let us join together in sending our best wishes to Abigail as she continues to navigate life with grace and resilience. And let us applaud Emily and Brian for embracing this challenge and providing unwavering support to their beloved daughter.