Sarge, a 9-year-old German Shepherd, Becomes a Loving Mother to Many Orphaned Fawns

It’s truly heartwarming to witness the loyalty and protective nature of dogs. They’re always ready to lend a helping paw, whether it’s towards people or other animals.

What’s even more uplifting is seeing a dog form a bond with another species. Such was the case with Sarge, a 9-year-old German Shepherd who became best friends with an orphaned deer.

Sarge’s owner, Cheryl Stephen, found an orphaned fawn lying on the road and decided to bring it home. To her surprise, Sarge stepped in as a guardian for the baby deer, which she named Buckwheat.

“Something clicked in Sarge, and he took to Buckwheat instantly,” Cheryl shared. “He wanted to be involved in every aspect of Buckwheat’s care. He became Buckwheat’s protector.”

As Buckwheat grew stronger, Sarge was there to guide him, leading him around and ensuring he didn’t wander off. “When we’d take Buckwheat outdoors, Sarge walked alongside him and kept him from wandering,” Cheryl said.

Eventually, Buckwheat grew up and no longer needed Sarge’s watchful eye. He was strong enough to return to the wild. But Sarge’s work was far from over.

Cheryl continued to rescue and rehabilitate injured and orphaned deer, and Sarge was always ready to help. Though not all the deer survived, Sarge and Cheryl gave them all the love and care they could. “When I walk in the door carrying a fawn, Sarge springs into action,” Cheryl explained. “He frantically sniffs and noses around to determine their condition.”

“The fawns are drawn to Sarge and feel safe in his presence. Sarge won’t leave their side,” she added.

Thank you, Sarge, for showing such unwavering care and protection for these baby deer. It truly highlights the intelligence and compassion that dogs possess.

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