Remembering Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

On November 19, 2023, the world bid farewell to Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to important causes such as mental health, caregiving, and women’s rights. At the age of 96, she passed away peacefully at her home in Plains, Georgia, surrounded by her loved ones.

Throughout her 77-year marriage to Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Rosalynn Carter played a pivotal role. President Carter acknowledged her as his equal partner in all of his accomplishments. He expressed gratitude for her wise guidance and unwavering support, emphasizing the comfort he found in knowing that Rosalynn was always by his side.

Rosalynn Carter leaves behind a loving legacy, including her children – Jack, Chip, Jeff, and Amy – as well as 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Although one of her grandsons sadly passed away in 2015, her memory will live on through her beloved family.

Chip Carter, reflecting on his mother’s life and impactful work, describes her not only as a loving mother and extraordinary First Lady but also as a compassionate humanitarian. He mentions how her dedication to service and empathy has improved mental health care and caregiving resources for countless Americans. Her loss is deeply felt, not only by her family but by all those who have benefited from her efforts.

Rosalynn Carter’s remarkable journey and her commitment to making a positive impact on society will always be remembered. Her advocacy has touched the lives of many, and her compassionate spirit will continue to inspire generations to come.