Prince Harry has ‘no interest’ in burying the hatchet with Royal Family, claims expert

Prince Harry has lost all contact with his UK family members. After the many public criticisms he and his wife, Meghan Markle, have made about the royals, he isn’t speaking to his brother, Prince William, and his relationship with his father, King Charles, has deteriorated.

While Harry has reportedly shown a desire to make amends, he insists on receiving an apology from the family for the way he and Meghan were treated while they were active members of the royal household.

Harry has visited the UK several times in the past year, though these visits have been brief. He did meet with his father after Charles was diagnosed with cancer, but other meetings have not happened. Although Harry seems to want to mend the rift, a royal expert believes that might not be true.

The tension between the royals and Harry and Meghan peaked earlier this year when Harry released his book, Spare. In the book, Harry attacked multiple senior members of the family, described his stepmother Camilla as a “wicked stepmother,” and shared the details of a major fight with his brother William.

Prince Harry revealed details of a physical confrontation with William in ‘Spare’

Harry wrote that in 2019, at his London home, he had a physical confrontation with William. He claimed William called Meghan “abrasive,” “rude,” and “difficult,” which Harry viewed as parroting the press narrative.

According to Harry, the situation escalated quickly: “He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and knocked me to the floor.”

Harry continued, “I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out.”

William reportedly urged Harry to hit back, recalling their childhood fights. When Harry refused, William left but later returned, looking regretful and apologized. Harry said he had visible injuries on his back.

The royal family has not publicly commented on these claims or other statements Harry and Meghan have made. And it seems unlikely that they will.

King Charles wasn’t present during the confrontation. However, following Prince Philip’s funeral in 2021, Harry, William, and Charles met at Frogmore Cottage, but their conversation didn’t go well.

“Please, boys, don’t make my final years a misery.”

In Spare, Harry wrote that his family members seemed to be looking for a fight during their attempt to reconcile. The least they wanted was to understand why he and Meghan left the royal family.

“I tried to explain my side of things. I wasn’t at my best. I was still nervous, fighting to keep my emotions in check, while also striving to be succinct and precise,” Harry wrote. “I quickly discovered that it wasn’t up to me.”

Before the main topic could be discussed, King Charles asked about the weather and the funeral. Whenever Harry tried to speak, he felt cut off. This led to a heated exchange between the brothers, prompting Charles to intervene.

Harry recalled Charles saying, “Please, boys, don’t make my final years a misery.”

King Charles was likely upset about the revelations and accusations Harry made in his book. Within days of Spare being released, Charles made a significant decision regarding Harry and Meghan.

In March, just two months after the book came out, King Charles evicted Harry and Meghan from their UK home base, Frogmore Cottage.

After moving into Frogmore, Harry and Meghan renovated the property for around $3 million. When they stepped down as working royals, they agreed to repay that amount to UK taxpayers. They were still allowed to keep Frogmore Cottage as their UK base, but that has changed.

Reports indicate that Charles decided on the future of the property just one day after Spare was released.

A spokesperson for Harry and Meghan confirmed their eviction from Frogmore Cottage. Reports suggested the couple was unhappy with the decision.

Sources close to the couple claimed they were “stunned.”

“Harry and Meghan have until early summer to vacate,” a source told Omar Scobie for Yahoo. “Initially, they were given just weeks, but now they have at least until after the coronation.”

A friend of the couple added, “It all feels very final and like a cruel punishment. It’s like [the family] wants to cut them out of the picture for good.”

Little is known about Harry’s friendships in the US. He plays polo occasionally, but details of who he spends his time with when not with his family remain unclear.

“Harry misses some aspects of his old life in the UK”

According to author Tom Quinn, Harry misses his army and college friends. Sadly, they haven’t visited him in California because “they don’t get on with Meghan.” As a result, Harry is considering finding a “permanent” home in the UK.

“As time goes by, Harry misses some aspects of his old life in the UK. The initial excitement of living in the States is wearing off, and he’s looking back through rose-tinted glasses,” Quinn claimed.

Quinn added, “He misses his Old Etonian and army friends, many of whom have not visited as they don’t get on with Meghan. Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, partly why he’s continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security.”

While Harry and Meghan try to avoid royal controversies, they’ve created some of their own in the US. The latest involved Harry accepting an award.

Harry received the Pat Tillman Award for Service at the 2024 ESPY Awards.

Prince Harry labeled “controversial and divisive” after accepting an award

ESPY honored Harry for his “tireless work in making a positive impact for the veteran community through the power of sport” with the Invictus Games he founded. The award has usually gone to unsung heroes – and Harry’s selection stirred controversy.

Pat Tillman was a US soldier killed in Afghanistan, and this award is named in his honor. His mother, Mary, criticized the decision to honor Harry.

“I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award. Some recipients are far more fitting. There are individuals working in the veteran community who are doing tremendous things to assist veterans,” she told the Daily Mail.

“These individuals do not have the money, resources, connections, or privilege that Prince Harry has. I feel that those types of individuals should be recognized.”

An ESPY spokesperson responded, “While we understand not everyone will agree with all honorees selected for any award, The Invictus Games Foundation does incredible work, and ESPN believes this is a cause worth celebrating.”

Harry and Meghan haven’t gained the popularity they might have hoped for after leaving the royal family and starting anew in the US. Their popularity has significantly declined in the UK and, unfortunately, in the US as well.

“They do not look kindly upon Harry and Meghan”

Speaking on GB News, royal commentator Nile Gardiner remarked on the couple’s declining popularity in the United States.

“Harry and Meghan are viewed as selfish, narcissistic individuals who have launched attack after attack upon their own family and trashed the royal family,” Gardiner said. “Americans are very pro the British monarchy.”

He continued, “Mary Tillman was right to criticize the award. There’s already a large online petition calling for Prince Harry not to receive the prize. This highlights how Harry and Meghan’s egocentrism does not sit well with many in the United States.”

“Most Americans love the Royal Family. They do not appreciate Harry and Meghan badmouthing them here.” Gardiner concluded.

Only time will tell if Harry and Meghan will ever reconcile with their British family. Reports indicate Harry’s search for a permanent UK home might facilitate an eventual reunion with his father and brother.

Harry has visited the UK multiple times in recent years. Apart from a brief meeting with his father following Charles’ cancer diagnosis, Harry hasn’t met with other family members.

Prince Harry has ‘no interest in making amends’ with royal family, expert claims

Royal expert Jennie Bond believes this behavior might indicate Harry’s true intentions. Speaking with OK!, Bond suggested the former royal might not be keen on reconciliation.

“If Harry really wanted to make amends, he would surely have allotted more time to his recent visits so his father – at least – could make arrangements to see him,” Bond said.

“I don’t think William will want a reconciliation, especially with everything else on his plate,” Bond added, referring to the brothers’ strained relationship.

“It will be lovely if Harry could spend some time, perhaps at Balmoral, during the summer and make peace with his father,” Bond concluded.

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