Kind Lady Saves a Baby Deer Sleeping Under a Tire By Leaving Note

Imagine strolling through your neighborhood on one of those lovely sunny days, and what do you spy with your little eye? Nope, it’s not a lost kitty, but a baby deer snoozing beneath someone’s car tire! You look around frantically, hoping this isn’t candid camera and you are, indeed, seeing Bambi’s cousin catching a nap. This scenario played out in real life, and one kind-hearted lady decided that a little sleepy deer deserved more than a shock wake-up call from the wheels of fate.

Our heroine, in a moment of genuine concern, whipped out her trusty pen and paper and left a note on the car. Not just any note, mind you, but a lifesaving memo that alerted the car’s owner to their unexpected parking lot guest. She then took to Facebook to spread the word, and oh boy, did it catch on like wildfire!

The Internet was ablaze with responses, ranging from full-blown heartfelt to snort-coffee-out-of-your-nose funny. One comment by Joshua Kevin Nye, who apparently attended the School of Sherlock Holmes for Sharp-eyed Observers, wondered how this woman knew it was a senior who penned the note. “You know it was an elderly woman, but how? Why, if you saw her, didn’t she just write a message instead of telling you there was a blasted deer under the tire? I’m looking for clarification!” Joshua, my dear Watson, not all heroes wear capes—or reveal their age, it seems.

The comedy continued with another joker raising the concern about the driver’s literacy. Because, let’s be real, the way some people handle a steering wheel doesn’t exactly scream “avid reader.”

Oh, but let’s not forget the genuine angels of the Internet like Cyntha Atkinson, who simply said, “Thank you for leaving the note, kind woman.” A little gratitude can go a long way, and in this case, it highlights the small acts of kindness that often go unnoticed in our busy lives.

So, to our kind note-leaving lady, take a bow. It’s folks like you who remind us that a tiny gesture can make a colossal impact. In a world where it’s easy to just walk on by, you chose to stop, assess, and action. And for that, we tip our hats.

What about you, dear reader? Would you have continued living your life, left a note, or attempted to coax the deer out from under the car? Perhaps you envision yourself channeling your inner “deer-whisperer” or maybe you’re more of a write-a-note-and-hope-for-the-best kind of person. Either way, let’s all take a moment to appreciate that kindness still exists in this topsy-turvy world of ours.

(And always check under your tires before you drive off. Bambi and his kin might just be closer than you think!)