Isaac Newton: Beyond Science

Isaac Newton, the brilliant mind behind groundbreaking scientific discoveries, had a curious fascination with predicting the future. Surprisingly, he attempted to forecast the end of the world, and his calculations pointed to the year 2060. Yes, you heard that right – according to Newton’s predictions, there are only about 40 years left for us.

Unveiling Newton’s Fascination

Isaac Newton, an eccentric professor, was renowned for his unwavering dedication to science. He pursued knowledge relentlessly, often going to extreme lengths that some might find a little insane. To understand the nature of light, he risked his own eyesight by sticking a needle in his eye. He even stared directly at a solar eclipse for an extended period to investigate its effects on human eyes. His commitment to scientific exploration had no bounds.

Alchemy and an End-Time Prophecy

Although Newton gained fame for his contributions to mathematics, his true passion resided in alchemy. He devoted significant time to its study, hoping to unlock secrets akin to those found in Harry Potter’s philosopher’s stone. Intriguingly, his alchemical research led him to predict the fate of the world—a fiery end in the year 2060.

The Intersection of Science and Religion

Newton delved into biblical and religious texts, combining them with his mathematical prowess to predict when the world would end—or as he referred to it, when “the kingdom of God would prevail on Earth.” He envisioned it as a reset rather than the complete cessation of all existence. However, his forecasts painted a gloomy picture for humanity living at that time.

The Calculations and Their Implications

Immersing himself in religious books, Newton unraveled the chronology of past events, seeking to make sense of the stories they contained. He firmly believed that God had already predetermined future events. Drawing upon the Bible, he derived various “prophetic” time periods. According to his calculations, 2060 would mark the beginning of a fresh era—an era that might be accompanied by conflict and disaster but would ultimately lead to a new divine period.

Newton’s Perspective and Our Modern Reflection

Newton made his prediction in 1704, not attaching much significance to a date 300 years into the future. However, as we now stand less than 40 years away from this alleged date, it has certainly caught the attention of some individuals. Newton’s prediction stands out because it was rooted in science and mathematics rather than mere beliefs. He based his theory on the book of Daniel in the Bible, calculating that the end would occur precisely 1260 years after the formation of the Holy Roman Empire. Newton also predicted that the end would only come when Jews were reintroduced to the Holy Places, an event that took place with the establishment of Israel in 1948. While the end may potentially occur at a later date, Newton’s estimation points to 2060 as the most likely scenario.

Embracing Uncertainty and Emphasizing Priorities

Whether any of Newton’s predictions hold true or not remains uncertain, as it intertwines with personal beliefs and interpretations of scripture. What we do know is that focusing on living well and making a positive impact on the planet should be our priority. After all, it is the actions we take today that truly shape the future, regardless of when it might come to an end.