Inside the Dystopian Apartment Block: A Home for 20,000 Residents

Imagine living in a place where you never have to step outside. A building in China, known as the “Dystopian Apartment,” has caught the attention of many due to its immense size and unique design. With the capacity to house up to 30,000 residents, this architectural marvel has become a viral sensation on TikTok.

The Regent International, as it is officially called, is located in Qianjiang Century City, in Hangzhou’s central business district. Designed by Alicia Loo, the chief designer of the renowned Singapore Sands Hotel, this 675-foot tall building stands as an S-shaped structure. It currently accommodates around 20,000 residents, making it one of the most densely populated areas in the world.

Inside this colossal building, residents have access to a wide range of amenities. From restaurants and swimming pools to grocery stores and internet cafes, everything one would find in a typical town can be found indoors. The convenience and cost-effectiveness of living in this self-contained environment are especially appealing to young professionals, influencers, and college students.

Affordability is another advantage of residing in the Dystopian Apartment. Units in the building vary in size and cost, ranging from 1,500 RMB (around $200.00) to 4,000 RMB (just under $600.00) per month. This makes it an attractive option for many individuals looking for a place to live.

While some may view this architectural marvel as dystopian, others see it as an innovative solution to the housing crisis. In fact, it has even been hailed as “the most sustainable living building on earth.” It offers a potential model for creating more living spaces in the face of limited land availability, as seen in a similar building in Whittier, Alaska.

Of course, like all things, there are pros and cons. The lack of privacy and personal space may deter some people from considering living in such a densely populated environment. However, for those who crave fresh air and outdoor experiences, there are larger units available with balconies, providing some relief from the contained living quarters.

Ultimately, the decision to live in the Dystopian Apartment is a personal one. Some may find the idea intriguing, while others may prefer a more traditional living arrangement. What are your thoughts? Would you be open to the idea of living in a place like this? Let us know in the comments.