Grandfather Walks Off Stage In Protest After Declining To Dance With Drag Queen, Citing “I’m A Man Of God”

A recent viral video has set social media abuzz, highlighting an elderly man who stands by his religious beliefs while refusing to take part in a dance routine with a drag queen. Released by Participant in November 2019, the video captures an unexpected pairing of three elderly men with three drag queens for a choreographed performance set to a Britney Spears song. This footage quickly gained traction, amassing over 3.5 million views on Twitter alone.

In the video, one of the drag queens approaches Isaac, an elderly man, suggesting they dance together. Isaac, clearly uneasy with physical contact, firmly declines by saying, “I’m not into touching, okay? No touching.” The drag queen, unfazed, then addresses the group, “Let’s look at the gentlemen. Gentlemen, you guys can acknowledge us. Ooh, who is this?” This is the point where Isaac reaches his limit, interrupting with, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I’m a man of God, I can’t do this,” and promptly exits the stage.

Isaac later explains his decision offstage, expressing his love and prayers for everyone while holding firm in his belief that men should not dress as women. He states, “It’s time to stand up and be a man of God.” Many on social media praised Isaac, acknowledging his genuine concern for others while staying true to his religious values.

Grandpa walks off show once he finds out his dance partner is a transgender.

— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) April 19, 2023

Reactions to the video varied widely. Some viewers lauded Isaac for his stance, appreciating his way of expressing love for others even while disagreeing with their choices. One Twitter user noted, “He said, ‘I love those people, I pray for them. I would never hurt or condemn them, but men aren’t supposed to dress like women.’ Am I missing something?!” Others empathized with Isaac’s struggle, pointing out how difficult it is to love someone unconditionally while disapproving of their actions.

Contrarily, some criticized Isaac’s reaction. One commentator argued, “I can’t have respect for others who try to impose their ideologies on unsuspecting others.” Another remarked bluntly, “Can you blame the old man? I wouldn’t want to touch that thing under any circumstance.” Such comments illustrate the video’s polarizing nature.

Adding a biblical perspective, a viewer referred to Deuteronomy 22:5: “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are an abomination unto the LORD thy God.” Supporting Isaac, they suggested that cross-dressing is vehemently opposed by God. However, biblical interpretations can vary, leading to differing perspectives.

Some speculated that the video aimed to provoke genuine and controversial reactions by putting elderly men in uncomfortable situations. While the true intentions behind the video remain uncertain, its widespread impact is undeniable.

This viral video, showcasing an elderly man’s refusal to dance with a drag queen because of his religious beliefs, has sparked intense discussions on social media. Isaac’s unwavering commitment to his faith, combined with his expressions of love and prayer for others, struck a chord with many viewers. Others, however, criticized his reaction and highlighted the issues surrounding imposing ideologies. Amidst these differing viewpoints, it is essential to promote respectful dialogue and understanding to navigate the intricate balance of personal beliefs, individuality, and acceptance in our diverse society.