Funny one-liners about aging

Sometimes, less is more. And that’s especially true when it comes to corny jokes and funny one-liners about getting older, like these short old-people jokes.

1. You know you’re getting old when your birthday cake is a fire hazard.

2. If I ever decide to buy a horse ranch in my old age, I’m going to name it “Pasture Prime.”

3. You know you’re getting old when your doctor refers you to an archaeologist.

4. You’re not getting old; you’re becoming a classic.

5. Old age is a heck of a lot better than the alternative.

6. The older we get, the earlier it gets late.

7. You know you’re getting old when your birthday cake is a fire hazard.

8. Old people are just young people who have been alive for a very, very long time.

9. With age comes wisdom … and hair in really weird places.

10. Allow me to politely suggest that this be the year you start lying about your age.