Discovering the Special Bond among the Jackson Siblings

Being part of a big, loving family is a beautiful thing. And for Paris Jackson, the 25-year-old daughter of the late musician Michael Jackson, that bond with her siblings is unbreakable. In a recent interview, she opened up about the special connection they share.

Paris and her brothers recently introduced their “oldest brother,” Omer Bhatti, to the public. Omer, a 38-year-old Norwegian dancer and rapper, has been a part of their lives for as long as they can remember.

You might be surprised to learn that Omer is not a biological sibling but an honorary one. He was the child of their mother’s nanny and was there for Paris from the moment she was born. To Paris, Omer is more than just a friend or a family friend, he is her older brother in every sense of the word.

“I’ve always wanted younger siblings, and with Prince, Paris, and Blanket, I got them,” Omer shared. He expressed his happiness at being a part of the Jackson family and how much he loves his “siblings.”

Paris and Omer’s bond is unbreakable. Unlike her usual sibling disputes with Prince, Paris and Omer have never gotten into any arguments. They continue to have a loving and supportive relationship.

Omer had the unique opportunity to watch the Jackson children grow up and witness their different personalities. He described Paris as a rebel, always pushing boundaries, while Prince was more in line with their father’s teachings. Omer took on the role of being there for Paris, offering guidance and support when she needed it.

Their connection goes beyond just being siblings. Omer had the chance to meet Michael Jackson when he was just a young boy starting his career. Michael became a mentor and father figure to Omer. Their bond was so strong that Omer even joined Michael on tour, sitting close to the stage with excitement.

The Jackson siblings’ bond is a testament to the strength and beauty of chosen family. Having someone like Omer, who has stood by them through thick and thin, has brought comfort and love to Paris, Prince, and Blanket.

In the end, it’s not about blood relations but about the love and support we find in those who become family to us. The Jackson siblings have found that in each other, and their bond will continue to grow stronger with time.