Cruise ship passengers are just realizing what upside down pineapple signs on doors mean

Ah, vacations – a time for sunshine, relaxation, and apparently, spotting ‘cute little pineapples’ on cruise ship doors. But hold onto your sun hats, folks, because those innocent-looking tropical fruits might just have a saucy secret!

For most of us, pineapple emblems and decorations are harmless homages to the juicy fruit indigenous to places like West Africa and Latin America. And who could forget Spongebob SquarePants’ famous pineapple under the sea? However, cruise ship vacationers might want to think twice before going all ‘Spongebob’ about pineapples, especially if they’re upside down.

Our pineapple plot thickens with the tale of Dominique, a bright-eyed rookie cruiser who decided to share her maiden voyage experiences on social media under the handle @blogionistatravels. In one of her delightful videos, Dominique comically notes how she stumbled upon some intriguing pineapple decorations on cabin doors. She might have thought they were just fun, tropical decor. Oh, Dominique, if you only knew!

One TikTok clip, a mere 15 seconds long but packed with hilarity and mystery, shows Dominique panning down a corridor of a cruise ship. Viewers quickly notice the little pineapple stickers scattered on cabin doors. The overlay text reads, “When you’re on your first cruise and you see that everyone has these little cute pineapples on their door.” Cue the spooky music!

Ding, ding! Cue the comments section. If there’s one thing social media excels at, it’s giving everyone a chance to share their two cents. And they certainly did with Dominique’s pineapple discovery.

“Still waiting on the name of the cruise… for a friend, of course,” one amused commenter quipped. Another added, “It could be that the cruise put them there. It’s the international hospitality symbol.” Sure, but how do we explain the upside-down ones?

Oh, the stories in the comments! One wise soul warned, “Ooop don’t go in unless you want to mix things up if you know what I mean.” Another shared, “I remember the time I decorated our tent site in pineapples and learned at 2am what message I was sending. Mortified! I stick to watermelons now!!” Talk about a fruit-based faux pas.

“Baby, just keep walking,” suggested another seasoned traveler. Good advice, especially when you’re obliviously close to a swingers’ soirée!

For the uninitiated, let’s set the record straight. According to Cruisehive, pineapples — especially those turned upside down — are a well-known symbol among swingers. It’s like a secret handshake, but, you know, fruitier. These cheeky little emblems signify that the cabin’s occupants are open to the swinging lifestyle, which involves the swapping of sexual partners and group activities. So, those upside-down pineapples? Not just for the love of tropical décor.

But wait, there’s more to this covert code. Swingers have a whole host of subtle signals to identify each other. Wearing black rings is one way, while some married couples might switch their wedding rings to their right hands instead of the left.

Now, if being discreet isn’t your thing, there are even specially designated adult-only swingers cruises available. So, if you’re looking for a vacation that’s a bit more than sunbathing and sightseeing, there’s an entire sea of options out there for you.

So next time you’re on a cruise and you spot an upside-down pineapple on someone’s door, you’ll know the secret world that lies within. And as for Dominique and her TikTok revelations? Well, let’s hope she picked up a new appreciation for fruit symbolism.

Ah, cruising! Sun, sea, and secret codes. Who knew your vacation could be this juicy?