Céline Dion Shares Raw Video of Stiff-Person Syndrome Crisis in Never-Seen Footage from New Documentary

In a heartbreaking scene from ‘I Am: Céline Dion,’ the superstar fights through a terrifying and unexpected SPS episode.

Céline Dion is opening up to fans about her struggles in recent years.

In an emotional scene toward the end of her upcoming documentary, I Am: Céline Dion (streaming globally on Prime Video), the 56-year-old superstar cautiously returns to the recording studio after her August 2022 diagnosis with stiff-person syndrome (SPS).

Soon after, she heads to a physical therapy session, part of her ongoing treatment plan, and starts experiencing spasms in her foot.

As her body begins to lock up, it’s evident that Dion is in unbearable pain. Her care team administers diazepam nasal spray during the crisis. “If she goes back into a spasm, we’ll do a 9-1-1,” mentions a member of her team.

Post-episode, Dion candidly shares, “Every time something like this happens, it makes you feel so embarrassed. I don’t know how to express it … you don’t like to not have control of yourself, you know?”

During an interview, the five-time Grammy winner reflected on that frightening moment, filmed by director Irene Taylor and her crew.

“One part of the [SPS] condition is that overstimulation — whether it’s happiness, sadness, sound, or a surprise — can put me into a crisis,” Dion explains. She added that she “did not see” the crisis episode coming that day. “I was fine, and then something triggered it.”

Director Irene Taylor, who was closely present during the episode, said, “That was truly an extraordinary thing, not only for Céline to experience but for me to witness. I kept filming because that is my mode of operating, and then I figured we would determine afterward whether to include that footage in the film.”

By the time the film entered post-production, Dion and Taylor had forged a deep bond. Taylor remarked, “I knew that including it in the film wasn’t a risk because she trusted me by then. She’s an open book and held nothing back, so I truly thank her for that.”

With her documentary, Dion aims to raise awareness about the rare disorder and support scientific research for finding a cure.

“Neuropathy is a wide field. That’s why I’m trying to be involved in raising funds for expert consultations and encouraging discussions about it with one’s neighbor, friend, or spouse,” Dion shares passionately.

Dr. Amanda Piquet, a director at the University of Colorado’s autoimmune neurology program and the physician who diagnosed Dion, adds, “The future for SPS is bright, and there’s a lot on the horizon.”