Ariana Grande Wants to Join Taylor Swift’s Squad

Ariana Grande, known for her hit songs like “Dangerous Woman,” recently expressed her desire to be part of Taylor Swift’s famous squad. In an interview with U.K. radio station Capital FM, Grande revealed that she would be “so down” to join the group and praised the girls in the squad for being really nice.

However, Grande jokingly asked the question that many of us have wondered: “Do you have to do anything weird to get in?” It’s surprising to think that Grande hasn’t already joined Swift’s squad, considering its impressive lineup, which includes Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid, Ellie Goulding, Hailee Steinfeld, Cara Delevingne, and Karlie Kloss, among others.

Swift herself also seems open to welcoming Grande into the squad, as she recently posted a picture of the two of them hugging after a show. The camaraderie and support within the squad is evident in the way they embrace and uplift each other.

However, not everyone is eager to be a part of Swift’s squad. Actress Chloe Grace Moretz, known for her role in “The Fifth Wave,” recently declined an offer to join the squad. In an interview with Complex magazine, Moretz expressed her belief that squads can sometimes create an atmosphere of exclusivity, which she finds inappropriate.

It’s clear that being part of Taylor Swift’s squad is highly coveted, with many celebrities expressing their desire to join. While Ariana Grande waits for her official invitation, we can only imagine how incredible it would be to see her alongside Swift and her talented group of friends.