Earlier this year, Mama June shared the heartbreaking news that her daughter, Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell, had been diagnosed with cancer. The family opened up about the battle they were facing and the uncertain future that lay ahead. Today, we sadly report that the family’s worst fears have come true.
Mama June Shannon and her four children rose to fame in 2012 on the hit show Toddlers and Tiaras. But their journey took a devastating turn when they announced that Chickadee was battling stage 4 adrenal carcinoma.
In a recent health update, Mama June reassured everyone that her daughter was handling the situation remarkably well. Her sister, Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird, also confirmed that Chickadee was staying strong amidst the challenges. Despite losing her hair and eyebrows, Chickadee continued to live a fairly normal life, driving herself and taking care of her children.
The family shared that Chickadee had gone through four rounds of chemotherapy. Lauryn mentioned that while it does wear her body down at times, Chickadee manages to bounce back quickly. Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson, the youngest member of the family, added that her sister fought with incredible strength and resilience.
Sadly, Chickadee passed away on the evening of December 9th, surrounded by her loved ones. Mama June broke the news on Instagram, expressing her heartbreak and acknowledging Chickadee’s ten-month-long battle. The family will provide more information soon, as they navigate through this difficult time.
Honey Boo Boo also paid tribute to her sister, acknowledging her bravery and fighting spirit. Throughout her journey, Chickadee had been sharing her experiences on Instagram, offering glimpses into her life and treatment.
Chickadee leaves behind two daughters, Kaitlyn Elizabeth, aged ten, and Kylee Madison, aged seven.
Our hearts go out to Chickadee’s family, friends, and fans during this tragic and challenging time.