Susan Lucci: A Survivor with a Strong Heart

Susan Lucci, the beloved actress, recently opened up about her battle with heart problems. At 75 years old, she experienced breathing difficulties and realized it was time to share her story. After undergoing emergency cardiac surgery, Susan is grateful to her doctors for saving her life and improving her overall health.

Three years ago, Susan noticed something was wrong with her heart. It turned out that one of her arteries was blocked by 80%. She underwent a procedure to have a stent implanted and open the blocked artery. The stent proved to be life-saving.

Recently, Susan experienced similar symptoms, though less severe. Her doctor urged her to go to the emergency room, where it was revealed that she needed another stent implantation. Thankfully, she wasn’t having a heart attack this time. The stent successfully removed the obstruction, and Susan is now doing fantastic.

It is essential for everyone, especially those over 60, to recognize the symptoms and warning signs of heart problems. Not all cardiac diseases present obvious symptoms. Unlike the dramatic collapses often portrayed in movies, heart conditions can develop without excruciating chest pain.

Women sometimes find it harder to identify symptoms compared to men, but Susan was able to do so without much difficulty. Her prompt action prevented a more serious cardiac condition from developing. She wants to emphasize the importance of seeking medical attention, especially for individuals who belong to high-risk groups such as the elderly, those with obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.

Here are some red flags to watch out for:

  1. Chest pressure: This discomfort can occur while sleeping or exercising and lasts longer than a short period of time.
  2. Nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or stomach pain: More common in women during a heart attack.
  3. Discomfort in the jaw or throat: Pressure or discomfort in the chest spreading to the throat or jaw may indicate a heart attack.
  4. Arm discomfort, feeling faint or dizzy, fatigue, sweating, swollen legs, feet, and ankles, and irregular heartbeat: These can all be symptoms of heart problems that require immediate medical attention.

If you have any concerns about your heart health, regardless of your age, it is crucial to have it checked out. Remember, your heart matters, and taking care of it can make all the difference.