Where Did Angels Come From?

Understanding the Origins and Roles of Angels

Many people wonder about where angels come from. There’s a common belief that good people turn into angels after they pass on from this life. Others think of angels as powerful spiritual beings created specially to carry out the work of God.

While often imagined as winged beings living among the clouds, these ideas are not rooted in Scripture. The Bible doesn’t tell us that we become angels after passing away.

To really understand the origin of angels, we turn to the Bible. From there, we learn that angels were indeed created by God. It’s important to note that angels have not always existed; God created them even before the universe came into existence. Job 38:7 describes how, when God was creating the heavens and the earth, “all the angels shouted for joy.” This indicates that angels have been around long before humans, created by God for good purposes.

According to Scripture, angels have various roles that support God and His missions. Their tasks include serving as messengers of God, engaging as Holy warriors, witnessing the unfoldment of history, praising God, and acting as Guardian Angels to protect and guide people as directed by God.

The Bible gives us numerous examples of angels delivering messages, providing comfort in solitude, granting protection, and even engaging in battles under God’s direction.

One common phrase that angels use when delivering messages is “Do not be afraid,” which reflects their calming presence. Often, they work quietly without drawing attention to themselves as they fulfill God’s assignments.

Angels actively work on our behalf, serving as God’s protectors, prepared to watch over and fight for us. There are many stories of angels stepping in to protect lives. Reflecting this, the Bible states, “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone” (Psalm 91:11-12).

An example can be found in Daniel’s story, where God sent an angel to shut the mouths of lions, protecting Daniel. God uses His faithful messengers to watch over us, thus conveying His pure and selfless love through angels.

The term angel means “Messenger,” which is fitting given the many times in the Bible that God sends angels to deliver His messages. Angels are often depicted as revealing God’s Word and bringing either comfort or important warnings, as directed by God’s Spirit. Their role includes announcing special messages or performing divine duties as God’s instruments.

The Bible further explains, “…for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels and to men” (1 Corinthians 4:9). This indicates that angels, along with people, are observing our actions. The term spectacle here signifies theater or public assembly, suggesting that angels learn by observing human activities.

Being witnesses to history, angels don’t need to study the past; they have experienced it all, enabling them to predict our actions with great accuracy based on past human behavior.

God sends angels to lift our spirits and guide us on the right path. The book of Acts recounts instances where angels encouraged early believers, freed apostles from prison, and facilitated significant meetings. Additionally, God grants them great strength. Apostle Paul refers to them as “mighty angels” (2 Thessalonians 1:17).

A testament to their power is seen during the resurrection of Jesus when an earthquake occurred as an angel descended to roll back the stone (Matthew 28:2). Despite this strength, it’s essential to remember that only God possesses ultimate power, and omnipotence is never attributed to angels.

Another way angels play a part in our lives is through deliverance. They have specific roles in the lives of believers, often responding to our needs at the right time. The Bible says, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14). With this specific responsibility, they help keep us safe by warning and protecting us from danger.

There comes a time when angels assist us into our heavenly home. As Jesus described in the story of Lazarus, angels carried him to Abraham’s side in heaven. This service is provided because angels are commissioned by God to care for His children. Unseen, though constantly around us, angels are ever-present to help us through life’s journey, including our final passage.

God’s love for us is so profound that He sends angels to guard and guide us through our lives. While we may not always be aware of their presence, angels are constantly working at God’s command, watching over us here and in the afterlife.