Did Santa Get You That Horse?

A policeman mounted on his horse approached a little girl riding her bicycle. With a friendly smile, he asked, “Did Santa get you that bike?” The little girl, full of pride, responded, “Yes, he did!”

The officer continued, “Well, make sure you tell Santa to include a reflector light next time!” He gave her a fine of $5, which made the girl frown a bit.

However, the little girl had a quick wit about her. She looked up at the policeman and remarked, “That’s a nice horse you have there—was that a gift from Santa too?”

The policeman chuckled, enjoying the banter, and replied, “It sure was!”

Without missing a beat, the girl added with a cheeky grin, “Well, next year, maybe Santa should know—the d*ck goes under the horse, not on top of it!”

The policeman’s chuckle turned into an awkward pause as the little girl’s words sank in. He blinked a couple of times, seemingly caught off guard by the sharpness of her remark. His face flushed, not from anger but from sheer surprise. He wasn’t quite sure how to respond to such a bold statement, especially from a child.

The little girl, noticing the effect her words had, giggled to herself and pedaled away, leaving the officer standing there, momentarily speechless. As she rode off, a few passersby who had overheard the exchange couldn’t help but stifle their own laughs, amused by the audacity of the girl’s clever comeback.

The officer, regaining his composure, smiled to himself. Kids could be something else these days, and this little girl certainly had a spark in her. He admired her quick thinking and confidence, though he couldn’t help but reflect on how differently children behaved compared to when he was young.

As the policeman continued his patrol, the lighthearted moment stayed with him. He had been on the force for several years now and had experienced all kinds of interactions with the public—some funny, others frustrating, and a few heartwarming. But there was something refreshing about that little girl’s unfiltered honesty.

He thought back to when he first joined the police force. At that time, he had been idealistic, eager to make a difference, and perhaps a little more serious than necessary. Over the years, his experiences on the streets had taught him to appreciate the lighter moments, even in a job as challenging as his. Encounters like this one with the girl reminded him that there was humor in every corner of life, even in his line of work.

As he passed through the busy streets, he noticed families enjoying the afternoon, children playing, and the sounds of everyday life bustling around him. He wondered about the little girl—what kind of upbringing she must have to be so confident and bold. She seemed to have no fear of authority, no hesitation in speaking her mind. He figured she had a bright future ahead of her, perhaps even as a leader or someone who wouldn’t back down in the face of adversity.

For the rest of the day, the policeman’s mind drifted back and forth between his duties and the exchange with the girl. He couldn’t help but share the story with his fellow officers when he returned to the station at the end of his shift.

“Wait, she said what?” one of his colleagues laughed incredulously.

“Yeah, you heard me right,” the policeman said, still shaking his head. “She told me Santa should know where to put…well, you get the idea.”

The room erupted in laughter. It was rare that they heard such an unexpected story from the usually serious officer. The moment lightened the atmosphere in the station, which was often weighed down by the heavy nature of their job. It was a reminder to them all that sometimes you just had to laugh at the unpredictable moments life threw at you.

As the laughter subsided, one of the officers chimed in, “You know, that kind of wit doesn’t just come from nowhere. That girl’s probably got some parents with a sense of humor.”

The officer thought about it and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, she must. I’d love to meet them—they’ve obviously taught her not to shy away from saying what’s on her mind. And you know what? That’s not a bad thing these days. We could use more people like that.”

Later that evening, the policeman went home to his own family. His own daughter, about the same age as the girl he’d met earlier, greeted him at the door with her usual enthusiasm. She had a different kind of personality—quieter, perhaps more reserved—but she was just as sharp. As he sat down to dinner with his family, he found himself thinking about how every child had their own way of navigating the world, their own unique gifts.

His daughter began telling him about her day at school, and as he listened, he realized how quickly children grew and developed their personalities. He couldn’t help but draw a comparison between his daughter and the little girl he’d met earlier. Both were full of potential, each in their own distinct way.

As they sat together that evening, the warmth of family life surrounding him, the officer reflected on how small interactions could leave a lasting impact. That little girl had reminded him of something important: no matter how difficult or demanding life could be, it was crucial to find moments to laugh and appreciate the lighter side of things.

And maybe, just maybe, the next time he encountered a child with a cheeky grin and a sharp tongue, he’d be ready with a comeback of his own—though he suspected it would be tough to top the girl’s witty remark about Santa and his horse.

The day had started out as just another routine patrol, but thanks to that unexpected encounter, the policeman went to bed with a smile on his face. Life, he thought, was full of surprises—some of them hilarious, others heartwarming, and a few that would stick with you long after the moment had passed.