‘One of the worst types of homes you can buy’: Man issues warning about buying homes from owners who want to ‘downsize’

‘That’s what inspection is for.’

A man shares some advice in a now-viral TikTok, urging people to think twice before purchasing homes from “older couples” who are downsizing. His claim is that these previous owners might have neglected essential repairs over the years.

In a video that has amassed over 151,000 views, TikToker and investment property lender Hard Money Man (@hardmoneyman) details his perspective on why homes from “downsizers” could be problematic.

“These older couples have had their kids growing up in the house, causing wear and tear for decades. Now, it’s just the couple staying alone in a big space,” he remarks in his clip.

He further suggests that these couples didn’t just suddenly decide to downsize. Rather, he believes they have likely been overlooking smaller repairs for years, expecting to move to a smaller place eventually.

“We all know that boomers tend to be more self-focused,” he states. “When you’re in the real estate market, always ascertain the real reason why they’re selling.”

Why don’t downsizers renovate?

In the comments, many who have downsized explained their reluctance to upgrade their homes before selling.

One commenter mentioned, “I’m planning to sell and downsize, and yes, I’m a boomer. I’m not upgrading because buyers in my area often remodel completely, even after recent upgrades.”

Another shared, “On Long Island, downsizing is about affordability. High property taxes on large houses just aren’t sustainable anymore, so we sacrifice for our kids.”

Yet another added, “People are willing to overpay and do their renovations anyway.”

Home buyers respond

This perspective on downsizers has generated mixed reactions from viewers.

Some disagree with the TikToker’s viewpoint, emphasizing that these homes are often in desirable locations. One viewer wrote, “Location is everything. You can always fix and upgrade. That’s what inspections are for.”

Another shared, “We bought a 1960s ranch from an old couple, and it was well-maintained, even if it needed a bit of updating.”

While one viewer asserted, “Homes that need some work can be the best buys. The savings on the purchase price can be much more than the repair costs.”

Conversely, others shared their challenging experiences. One person noted, “I bought a house exactly as described. The first six months were filled with endless maintenance.”

Another shared, “The worst inspection we had was on a home lived in for 40 years by one family.”