California Couple Resigns From Teaching To Launch “Anti-Woke” School Venture

Kim Novak reports on a California couple who have bravely decided to tackle the rising tide of “woke” education infiltrating American schools. Kali Fontanilla and Joshua, once teachers in Salinas, California, chose to leave their teaching jobs to create the Exodus Institute, a school dedicated to upholding traditional American values and countering what they see as liberal indoctrination.

In a candid interview, Joshua discussed his concerns regarding the shifting ideologies in public schools, emphasizing that traditional values are being increasingly sidelined. He underlined the need for a balance against the left-leaning narratives that he believes are steering students away from the core principles that have been foundational to American society.

Kali, a biracial teacher, shared her husband’s perspective, pointing out the intrusion of politics into the classroom. She recounted a troubling instance where she was offered a racially charged mask following the tragic death of George Floyd. Kali stressed her wish to be valued for her professional abilities rather than her race. This event, along with the pressure to adopt progressive language and beliefs, motivated the couple to create their own educational institution.

The Exodus Institute was founded in May 2022 and quickly became a cornerstone for those seeking an education free from political agendas. Nearly 200 students are now enrolled, learning in an environment that challenges the dominant narrative and promotes traditional American values. Joshua highlighted the school’s mission to dispel misconceptions spread by the left and reaffirm the importance of these values in mentoring future generations.

Kali and Joshua also initiated the Young Patriots Academy to further support homeschoolers. This program, which comes with a modest monthly fee, offers an alternative to mainstream education that emphasizes critical thinking, independent learning, and a deep appreciation for American heritage.

While facing the hurdles of running an anti-woke school, Kali and Joshua stand as icons of bravery in these ideologically charged times. Their dedication to conserving traditional American values showcases the enduring spirit of conservatism in education.