Husband Forgets to Greet Wife on Their 50th Anniversary, Returns Home and Sees His Stuff Outside — Story of the Day

A woman is angry and hurt when her husband forgets their 50th wedding anniversary and throws his belongings in the gutter — until he comes home with an unusual excuse.

Betty Carmichael was fed up. Her husband Donald had done it again. Forgotten their anniversary of all things. And after fifty long years! She had given him the best years of her life, and what did she have to show for it? A house full of memories and not a single gift. Not even daisies, let alone the roses she always dreamed of.

Donald hadn’t brought Betty flowers in years. | Source: Pexels

The clock on the wall ticked ever so loudly. 9:30 PM. Not only had he forgotten the date, but he also hadn’t even bothered to come home for the special dinner she prepared. This was the final straw!

Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, and doubt wears away at the love that holds it together.

Two hours later, Betty heard her husband’s car pulling into the driveway. She grinned spitefully. Donald was about to have a very unpleasant evening.

“Betty! What is going on out here?”

Perfect. The shouting had begun. She marched out onto the porch with her fists on her hips. “What do you want?” she snapped.

Betty prepared a romantic dinner but Donald didn’t come home. | Source: Unsplash

Donald stood in the garden, looking irate. He pointed to an old recliner and several boxes of his things now strewn across the lawn.

“What are my things doing out here? Have you lost your mind?”

“Lost my mind?” shrieked Betty. The lights in the neighboring houses flicked on. “You must be the crazy one! Do you have Alzheimer’s or are you just that forgetful? I’m done. I’m divorcing you!”

“Divorcing me?” Donald’s jaw dropped. “I’m seventy-eight, and you’re seventy-five! Have you gone mad?”

“Yes! Do you think just because I’m old, I’m no longer a woman? You neglect me, and I won’t take it anymore!”

Betty was sure Donald didn’t love her anymore. | Source: Pexels

“Be reasonable, Betty. What’s this all about?”

“You forgot our anniversary…again!” Betty’s face was red with anger. “Fifty years, Donald! You can’t even remember the wedding?”

“That was the happiest day of my life,” Donald murmured.

“Then why don’t you act like it?” Betty demanded. “Why don’t you bring me flowers anymore? You don’t love me!”

Donald shook his head. “I love you, Betty. You know that.”

Betty brought Donald’s favorite chair out in the street. | Source:Source: Unsplash

“Then why didn’t you come home for dinner?” Betty’s voice trembled. “I made your favorite meal. Where were you? Seeing another woman?”

Donald grinned and stepped to the side. There stood a young woman in her twenties with blue eyes just like Betty’s.

“Hannah!” Betty cried. She ran down the steps but nearly fell. Donald rushed forward to catch her as she threw her arms around the girl, sobbing.

“Gran Betty! I’m sorry we’re late. My flight got delayed, and Gran Donald waited for hours at the airport!”

Hannah came to visit her grandparents. | Source: Unsplash

Betty turned towards her husband. “You knew about this? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It was a surprise!” Donald chuckled. “I arranged everything for our anniversary. The flight got delayed. You’ve been missing our only granddaughter, so I flew her out here!”

“Oh, Don!” Betty wept. “I thought you didn’t care anymore! I’m so sorry…”

Donald and Betty renewed their vows. | Source: Unsplash

“Betty, I haven’t looked at another woman in fifty years, and I don’t plan to start now.”

“Donald,” she sighed. “What did I do to deserve you?”

“Well,” Don said, smirking, “We’re going to have a time bringing all my stuff back inside!”

With the help of Hannah, Don and Betty tidied up and sat down for a midnight snack.

“By the way,” Donald added, “We’re having a party tomorrow night with all our children and friends. We’ll renew our vows.”

Betty and Donald had a wonderful anniversary party. | Source: Unsplash

“But what am I going to wear?” Betty gasped.

“I don’t know, but I have a ring!” Donald dropped to one knee and pulled out a small jewelry box. “Betty Delancy Carmichael, will you marry me again?”

The next day, they celebrated in style. Betty wore a cream suit and a little veil. As Donald kissed her, she vowed never to doubt him again.