Man Will Need ‘New Identity’ After Turkish Surgery Leaves Him Looking Like a Completely Different Person

People are buzzing about a man who might need a new identity after undergoing extensive cosmetic surgery in Turkey. The clinic responsible, @esteistanbultr, shared ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos that show a striking transformation, leaving many astonished by his new look.

He looks totally different…

People reckon this man will need a new identity after seeing the transformation from his Turkish surgery. The ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos depict a radical change, making him almost unrecognizable.

There’s always a need to be cautious with cosmetic surgery; outcomes can vastly differ, and sometimes, those who extensively alter their appearance end up regretting it.

And there are serious risks involved. Remember the cautionary stories such as the woman needing her buttocks amputated after a botched injection started leaking. It’s crucial to ensure the place where you undergo surgery has proper medical credentials.

Tragically, some have even lost their lives due to bogus surgeons. One man died after a botched ‘penis enlargement surgery’ led to sepsis after months of excruciating pain.

However, there are success stories where individuals are thrilled with their transformations. This recent case might be one of those. The man reportedly had rhinoplasty, lower eyelid rejuvenation, and jawline correction.

Between the two photos shared, the change is dramatic. While differences in focus and lighting might slightly influence the appearance in photos, the transformation is evident. According to some, even his mother might struggle to recognize him now. A few have joked that any potential assassins would likely pass him by due to his altered look.

Despite the praises from some quarters for his new look, skepticism remains. Some question the authenticity of such a dramatic transformation, while others wonder if the change was intended to evade authorities.

For some, the change seems positive, as comments have surfaced suggesting that he ‘looks happy’ post-surgery. But such a dramatic change can bring about its own set of challenges, like people struggling to recognize you.

One woman who underwent significant plastic surgery couldn’t unlock her phone anymore because the device no longer recognized her face.

Some surgeries also sound quite painful. There’s a leg-lengthening treatment to increase height, but one woman who opted for it later regretted her decision.