Why This Mom’s Public Breastfeeding Backlash is Ridiculously Absurd!

If you thought social media was all about supportive communities, think again. In 2023, public shaming has reached new heights—or should we say, new lows—especially when it comes to breastfeeding moms.

Let’s set the scene: you’re soaking up the sun at the beach, just minding your own business, when suddenly, BAM! There’s a stealthily recorded video of you, topless, breastfeeding your baby, plastered all over Facebook.

This heinous crime against decency? Caught on camera by a woman with nothing better to do than shame mothers for—wait for it—feeding their children.

Meet Isabele Lomax, our unintentional social media celebrity. Imagine her surprise when she discovered a post accusing her of public indecency with a caption that screamed, “COVER TF UP!!!”

Shouldn’t we be celebrating anyone who bravely forages through life keeping tiny humans alive? Apparently not.

The anonymous keyboard warrior behind the post claimed, “I shouldn’t have to cover my son’s eyes and explain why your boobs are out, and quite frankly I don’t want to see it either. Have some respect!”

Oh, the horror! The sheer scandal of breasts being used for *gasp* their biological purpose! Lomax, however, swung back with a swooping rebuttal on TikTok, fittingly while breastfeeding topless.

“Imagine waking up to find yourself being publicly shamed for feeding your child,” Lomax began. “This lady could’ve just said something to me right then and there, but no, she had to do it behind a screen.”

Lomax makes a compelling point: why should her baby be any less entitled to eat at the beach than this outrage-prone paparazzo? And goodness, what if we all had to eat our picnics under towels?

Public spaces are just that—public. Lomax herself has nursed in all sorts of places, and most people either don’t notice or don’t care. But there’s always that one person, isn’t there?

“Next time you see a mom breastfeeding her child in public, tell her she’s doing a good job,” Lomax urged. Moms need support, not surveillance.

And here’s a kicker: the ‘concerned’ mother in question was worried about having to explain breasts to her 4-year-old. Listen, if you’re sexualizing a breast to a 4-year-old, spoiler alert—you’ve got your issues.

Following Lomax’s TikTok response, social media erupted with support. Comments rolled in, with users chiming in about their own experiences of public shaming.

One savvy user commented, “I teach my boys that moms feeding babies is amazing. It’s not impolite, it’s life.”

Another mom humorously added, “I always tell people to put a shirt over their head if they don’t want to see me breastfeeding. Or they can eat in the bathroom!”

The beach breastfeeding scandal even had some pointing out, “Really? Naked at the beach? Did she miss the memo about thongs?”

So let’s summarize: absurd levels of social media trolling, a woman publicly shamed for doing something completely natural, and a society still struggling to get over its weird hang-ups about breastfeeding.

What really takes the cake is the sheer audacity to record someone in such a private moment and broadcast it for the world to judge. Who’s really being inappropriate here? The irony is deliciously thick.