Gov. Walz’s Gun Control Bill Meets Its Ultimate Demise Amidst Rising Crime Wave

Data shows that since Walz took office as governor, violent crime has been on the rise in Minnesota

Gov Walz ‘Dismantling’ Public Safety in Minnesota: Retired Police Lieutenant

Retired Minnesota State Patrol Lieutenant John Nagel spoke to Fox News Digital about how Gov. Tim Walz’s policies have affected Minnesotans.

A federal appeals court ruled that Minnesota’s law, which bans people ages 18 to 20 from obtaining permits to carry guns, is unconstitutional. This ruling has ignited a firestorm of criticism directed at Governor Tim Walz’s stance on the Second Amendment.

“As a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment, I welcome the federal appeals court’s decision regarding Minnesota’s law. This ruling affirms the constitutional rights of all law-abiding citizens to bear arms,” Republican Minnesota Rep. Pete Stauber stated to Fox News Digital. “It is crucial, especially at a time when crime rates are a concern, that individuals have the means to protect themselves and their families.”

Stauber, who has served in the House of Representatives since January 2019, is known for his background in law enforcement and his focus on public safety.

“Governor Walz’s administration has indeed taken positions that many, including myself, view as hostile toward the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment. This ruling is a reminder of the importance of protecting these liberties against overreach,” Stauber continued.

Back in 2018, Walz wrote an op-ed declaring his love affair with guns was evolving, just like his taste in fine wine, though one must wonder if he now prefers a robust cabernet to a locked and loaded Glock.

Ah, sweet political memory! Walz, once hailed as the gallant knight of gun rights and hunting during his tenure as a congressman from 2007 to 2019 in a district that typically voted as red as ketchup, has since flipped his stance to become the poster child for gun control measures.

Of course, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has a thing or two to say about this turncoat behavior. They have labeled Walz a “political chameleon” in no uncertain terms, flaying him alive in a recent statement for cozying up to anti-gun advocate and Vice President Kamala Harris, his newfound political buddy on the 2024 Democratic ticket.

“Tim Walz is a political chameleon – changing his positions to further his own personal agenda. In Congress, Walz purported to be a friend of gun owners to receive their support in his rural Minnesota district. Once he had his eyes set on other offices, he sold out law-abiding Minnesotans and promoted a radical gun control agenda that emboldened criminals and left everyday citizens defenseless. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz cannot be trusted to defend freedom and our Constitutional rights,” Randy Kozuch, chairman of the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF), commented with characteristic venom.

What a shocker! Walz claims his views on guns are “evolving in some ways,” a phrase as murky as a politician’s promise, yet insists he has “always been a reformer.” Tell that to Minnesotans watching violent crime stats flip like numbers on a malfunctioning gas pump.

The statistics are startling. Data from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety reviewed by Fox News Digital reveals a grim trend. In 2018, the year before Walz took the gubernatorial throne, the state recorded 104 murders. In his debut year, that number jumped more than 12%, with 117 murders in 2019. Like a bad murder mystery series refusing to end, 2020 saw figures skyrocketing to 185, only to peak at 201 in 2021, barely simmering down to 182 in 2022, and not exactly comforting at 172 last year.

We can’t ignore the average body count either. From 2015 to 2018, Minnesota averaged about 113 murders each year. Under Walz’s reign, the tally surged to a grim 171 murders per year on average. Nothing spells success like a climbing death toll, right?

In response to Walz’s track record, one might imagine Minnesotans laughing grimly through gritted teeth. The state’s rising crime statistics don’t lie. As his tenure drags on, more people find themselves questioning whether Minnesota’s cheery slogan “Land of 10,000 Lakes” should come with a bulletproof vest advisory.

And while we’re on the subject of irony, let’s not forget the recent viral incident where a Harris-Walz camo hat managed to raise a cool $1 million. Yes, you heard that right. A hat. Political fundraising never ceases to amaze. Yet despite this, the NRA remains unconvinced by the razzle-dazzle of political fashion accessories.

So, what’s the final word on Governor Tim Walz’s ever-shifting position on guns? If his track record is any indication, it seems Walz has turned political shape-shifting into a fine art. Whether Minnesotans are safer for it is a question carrying a thousand-pound weight of skepticism, heavy enough to sink in any of those ten thousand lakes.