White House Reporter Gushes: ‘There’s Jesus, HBCUs, and then there’s Barack Obama’

TheGrio DC Bureau Chief April Ryan Shares Enthusiasm for Obama and Harris

Hold onto your hats and buckle up. In a shocking display of journalistic dedication—or perhaps delusion—TheGrio White House correspondent, April Ryan, has elevated former President Barack Obama to god-like status. That’s right, folks, step aside Jesus and HBCUs; here comes Obama.

As if that wasn’t enough, Ryan batted her eyelashes long enough to toss the possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris joining this exclusive list. What a time to be alive!

Obama: One of the Greats, According to Ryan

During an exhilarating preview of Obama’s and Michelle’s much-anticipated speeches at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Ryan dialed the hyperbole up to 11. After describing Michelle as ‘stratospheric’ and ‘authentic’—can you even breathe in that stratosphere?—Ryan proclaimed that the former president belongs right up there with Jesus and HBCUs. One more addition, and we might have ourselves a holy trinity of politics.

“I mean, I joke about this, but there is Jesus, HBCUs, and then there’s Barack Obama. It may change. It may change a little bit if Kamala Harris becomes president. But you know, these are two people people want to hear from right now,” noted Ryan.

Wait, it might change? According to Ryan, that’s a tentative lineup subject to adjustment, especially if Harris manages to stake her claim to this quasi-divine status. Imagine the heartburn and existential crises this must be causing across newsrooms.

Michelle Obama: The Everyday Icon?

Ryan was quick to also heap praise onto Michelle Obama for her supposed relatability. As MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace called her a ‘cultural icon,’ Ryan reached into her bag of adjectives to paint a picture of Michelle as the quintessential ‘everyday woman.’ Apparently, appearing in Vogue doesn’t disqualify one from being ‘everyday’—who knew?

“This moment is even larger than when Barack Obama became president. I remember the night he was elected, and I happen to be at the White House. And I’ll never forget all the kids who spontaneously crowded, seeing change. They saw people who are authentic and look like them, and Michelle Obama is that person,” Ryan added.

According to Ryan, Michelle is a beacon of authenticity and care, raising her kids while remaining continuously in touch with the common folk—despite occasionally gracing the covers of Vogue. Fascinating, right?

Democratic National Convention: A ‘Bold Vision’?

The Obamas took center stage on the second night of the DNC, giving speeches under the sweeping banner of the Democrats’ ‘Bold Vision for America’s Future.’ Whether or not this ‘vision’ is actually groundbreaking or just another marketing slogan remains to be seen.

Obama, the omnipotent figure navigating uncertain political waters, eventually endorsed—and then actually confirmed—Harris after Biden bowed out. Despite initially hesitating, Obama assured the Democratic followers that the party would flawlessly anoint another ‘outstanding nominee.’ What a relief!

Following Biden’s exit, the Obama-Harris power duo became the new torchbearers for this so-called ‘Bold Vision.’ Let’s just hope it doesn’t get too blindingly bold for us mortal voters to handle.

Wrapping Up This Reverential Rollercoaster

After all this divinely inspired analysis, where do we stand? If you’ve been holding your breath waiting for clarity, you’re in good—and possibly confused—company. According to April Ryan, our new triumvirate of deific figures—or at least those worthy of our endless adulation—includes Jesus, HBCUs, and Barack Obama. And, let’s not forget, Kamala Harris might just saunter up there as well.

So next time you find yourself pondering life’s great mysteries or merely trying to navigate another political cycle, remember this: Somewhere between the divine and the collegiate lies the Obama. Well, at least according to April Ryan. Cheers to that.