My Dog Snores

There once was a woman who had a dog known for its loud snoring, which kept her up at night.

Determined to find a solution, she called her vet to see if there was anything that could help.

To her surprise, the vet suggested tying a ribbon around the dog’s testicles.

Despite her skepticism, she decided to give it a try. She went to her sewing basket, found a ribbon, and gently tied it around the dog’s testicles.

Amazingly, it worked! The dog stopped snoring and peace returned to her household.

Later that evening, her husband came home a bit tipsy, stumbled into bed, and soon began snoring loudly.

Inspired by her earlier success, she thought, “Why not try the ribbon trick on him?”

So, she retrieved another ribbon from her sewing basket and carefully tied it around her husband’s testicles.

Just like the dog, her husband’s snoring ceased, and she finally got a quiet night’s sleep.

During the middle of the night, the husband woke up to use the bathroom. As he passed by the mirror, he noticed the ribbon tied around him.

Curious, he then saw the dog with its own ribbon and thought aloud, “Well, buddy, whatever we were up to, we sure won first and second place!”