Teacher Gives Schoolboy Cruel ‘Award’ In Front Of Class, Mom Considers Legal Action

“He’s embarrassed because he had to accept it in front of his entire class. I don’t know if she thought it was funny, but it’s not funny,” said Tera Cooper, whose 13-year-old son Derek came home in tears after receiving a cruel “award” from his teacher.

A Plainfield, Connecticut mom is furious after her son, who is diagnosed with ADHD, was given a so-called “award” by his teacher for being easily distracted. Tera Cooper was confused as to why the teacher at Plainfield Central School would think it’s funny to give something like this to her 13-year-old son, Derek.

The certificate given to Derek was titled “#ADDaward” and reads “Most likely to be distracted by…look something shiny!” It also has a picture of a zombie being held up by a balloon and a little gold ribbon that says “good work.”

Cooper said, “He had tears in his eyes. He’s embarrassed because he had to accept it in front of his entire class.” While Cooper never met the teacher who gave her son the humiliating “award,” she said the school and the teacher knew about Derek’s ADHD. “He is on a 504 plan at the school, so she is aware of it. I don’t know if she thought it was funny, but it’s not funny. She’s the teacher. It’s supposed to be a safe place,” Cooper said.

What exactly is a 504 plan, you ask? It’s essentially a safety net for students like Derek. An educational plan which includes adjustments to a child’s academic program. These gems are for students who don’t fall under the special education banner but still need a bit more TLC and fall under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which essentially shouts, “No discrimination against people with disabilities!”

Principal Scott Gagnon decided to step into the spotlight, as any principal worth their salt should, declaring he had met with Derek’s parents and assured them that the higher-ups were on it, dealing with this incident tout de suite in good faith for Derek and his family. Bravo, Principal Gagnon. Bravo.

But wait, there’s more from the Cooper family! Mom isn’t just sitting back and sipping her tea. Nope. She’s talking to a lawyer. Because, why not? If it’s this bad, maybe legal action is the only way to knock some sense into the school’s administration so that future students don’t have to deal with such nonsense. Fingers crossed that change is afoot!

Don’t think Derek is just a one-award wonder. Oh no. He also bagged two other wonderfully tasteful awards from the same thoughtful teacher. One for being the “most improved” in social studies (at least that’s positive!) and another curious one titled “#BermudaTriangle,” hinting that Derek’s borrowed items have a mysterious way of never returning. Apparently, some other students also received the ADD “award.” Misery does love company, right?

Honestly, it seems the teacher wanted to be the class clown but ended up being the clown nobody laughed at. It’s exasperating and frankly inexcusable. Derek is just 13, possibly juggling more challenges in school than most of his peers. The last thing he needs is his teacher making a mockery out of his condition.

So here’s the thing – teachers have a heavy responsibility. They’re supposed to foster an environment where students feel safe and can thrive. When they fail at this, whether by trying too hard to be funny or by sheer ignorance, it’s a disservice to the very essence of education. If teachers can’t be sensitive to their students’ needs, then what’s the point?

Change isn’t going to come from just sitting around and lamenting. People like Cooper, and Derek, deserve better. And if it takes some legal smacking down on the administration’s door, then so be it. It’s about time schools took a hard look at what’s going on and made real, impactful changes. Because every Derek out there is counting on it.

So, in the infamous words of Karen, “Enough is enough.” Time for these schools to get their act together and protect the students, not push them further into discomfort. If you’ve got a bone to pick with how things are run, whether it’s this school or any other with similar stories, speak up. Change doesn’t come to the silent.