Police Amused by 11-Year-Old Selling “Ice Cold Beer”

Some folks are just born with a knack for business. Combine that with determination, a willingness to take risks, and a desire to put their skills to good use, and you’ve got a winning formula.

Seth, an 11-year-old from Utah, has already dipped his toes into the business world, and his current marketing strategy is leaving many people impressed.

Instead of the usual lemonade stand, Seth decided to try something different. He stood by the sidewalk with a sign that read, “Ice Cold Beer.”

While some neighbors found this adorable and admired his entrepreneurial spirit, others were concerned about a child selling alcohol and called the police.

When a few officers arrived at Seth’s stand, they were in for a pleasant surprise. Rather than scolding him, they ended up having a great time.

It turned out that Seth was actually selling root beer. The word “root” was written in tiny green letters, cleverly blending into the background.

The Brigham City Police Department praised Seth’s sign as a brilliant marketing move. Truly, not every child could come up with such a creative idea.

After the story went online, people couldn’t stop talking about it.

Some criticized those who called the police, saying they should be ashamed. However, the police department had a different view. “Our citizens should never feel ashamed or embarrassed to call us. They were calling in what they felt was a suspicious circumstance. No harm, no foul,” they explained.

The officers even supported Seth’s business by buying some root beer for $1 and sharing his charming story.