Veteran Who Removed Satan Statue Encourages Americans To Reject Satan And Embrace Jesus

Veteran Who Removed Satan Statue Wants Americans to Embrace Jesus

In December 2023, Michael Cassidy, a former Republican candidate for Mississippi’s state House of Representatives, found himself at the center of a media storm. While visiting the Iowa State Capitol, Cassidy encountered a statue that left him deeply disturbed—a statue of Baphomet, the winged, goat-headed symbol embraced by the Satanic Temple. Taken aback by its presence during the festive season, Cassidy decided to take immediate action.

Encounter with Baphomet, the ‘Satan Statue’

The figure of Baphomet has been historically linked to the Knights Templar and has evolved into a symbol in various occult practices. The statue’s display in a public space during the holiday season struck a chord with Cassidy. “Nobody was there, and it offended me. It touched a nerve. It was, you know, righteous indignation,” he shared with Fox News. Reacting impulsively, Cassidy decapitated the statue and disposed of the head in a garbage bag.

Confrontation and Citation

Instead of fleeing, Cassidy, a staunch “Christian conservative,” confronted security with the statue’s head in hand and was promptly issued a citation. “I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged,” Cassidy confessed to the Des Moines Register. “My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so, I acted.”

The Satanic Temple’s Response To The Vandalism of Their Satan Statue

Mortimer Adramelech, a minister with the Satanic Temple of Iowa, voiced his disappointment, highlighting the group’s constitutional rights. “All religions have equal rights in the public forum under the First Amendment of the Constitution. As Americans, we have every right to be here just like anyone else,” he explained to NBC affiliate WHO of Des Moines. The Iowa Department of Administrative Services confirmed that the Satanic Temple had properly followed all application procedures for their display.

Legal Repercussions

Initially, the consequences for Cassidy seemed dire. Charged with third-degree criminal mischief, a D felony under Iowa’s hate crime laws, he faced legal action for intentionally damaging the property of the Satanic Temple. The state’s attorney’s office cited Cassidy’s public and law enforcement statements as evidence of religious discrimination. However, by May 2024, felony charges were dropped, with Cassidy instead receiving a fine and avoiding jail time. He celebrated the decision with a defiant tweet: “Not today, Satan.”

Public Reactions

Cassidy’s actions sparked broad debate. Some condemned his act as a hate crime, equating it to defacing sacred symbols of other religions. A commenter on the Satanic Temple’s Facebook page argued, “This conduct needs to be prosecuted as a hate crime, and since he crossed state lines with the intention to commit his crime, Federal hate crime charges should be handed down as well.” Others accused Cassidy of hypocrisy given his stance on religious freedom, while some supporters praised his courage in confronting what they saw as a symbol of evil.

Support and Criticism

Cassidy received significant backing from like-minded individuals. “I admire this man for tearing it down. It is time for us to take a stand against these kinds of symbols. Bravo sir…May you be exonerated and walk away a free citizen,” one supporter remarked. Another expressed bewilderment over the legislature permitting the statue’s display, asserting that Christians should have protested its installation. A third supporter suggested that should legal consequences ensue, the Christian community should unite to support Cassidy.

Cassidy’s Call to Embrace Jesus

During an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Cassidy reflected on the waves of support and criticism he had received. “I’ve received both positive and negative feedback, which has been quite remarkable. Some anonymous voices have applauded my firm stance against Satanism, recognizing the degradation in our society. That, in itself, has been heartening,” he noted. However, he also recounted the backlash and harassment from Satanists and their supporters.

A Message of Faith

Through it all, Cassidy remains resolute in his mission to advocate for Christian values. “I want people to reject Satan and embrace Jesus Christ. This should be the central message. It’s disheartening to witness a desire to expose children to such darkness,” he asserted. His actions and the subsequent debate they sparked underline a larger societal discourse surrounding the presence of religious symbols in public spaces and the interpretation of religious liberty in America.

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