Why Is Everyone Talking About This New Wellness Tip? – Did You Try It?

Oh, darlings, if you’re thinking this is another fleeting trend just like those kale smoothies and avocado toasts, well bless your heart! But stick with me here because there might be something to this new-fangled wellness tip everyone’s yammering about. You see, I’m not one to indulge in every passing phase that the youngsters rave about, but I admit my curiosity got the best of me this time. And spoiler alert, you won’t want to miss this little treasure I’ve uncovered.

Now, I know you might be tempted to skip to the end for the juicy bits and pieces, but hold your horses. There’s a story to be told here, and dare I say, it’s worth your while.

The Age of Wisdom

One of the joys of being a distinguished 60-year-old lady like myself is the wealth of wisdom I’ve gathered over the years. (Oh, who am I kidding? That ‘wisdom’ is often just another word for ‘I’ve seen too much nonsense to fall for it again.’) But this tip, dear ones, is just quirky enough to warrant a closer look. This whole commotion started at my weekly church potluck when dear Mildred, with her pristine God-given intuition, mentioned something peculiar she’d read online – about grounding… or earthing, as the fancy folks call it.

What On Earth is Earthing?

Earthing, folks, is what this new wellness tip is called, and the concept is as simple as apple pie. It’s basically walking barefoot on grass, soil, or sand to connect with Mother Earth’s natural energy. At first blush, I thought, “Well slap me silly and call me a city slicker!” But the more Mildred talked about it, the more intrigued I became. After all, even our good Lord knew the importance of staying grounded!

Now, modern science – fancy term for a bunch of young whippersnappers in lab coats – suggests that this earthing business can have all sorts of benefits, like reduced stress, better sleep, and improved balance. ‘Sounded good for these tired old bones of mine further fueled by God’s guidance. So, in the name of research and perhaps a twinge of curiosity, I decided to give this earthing malarkey a whirl.

A Day in the Life

So there I was, right in my own backyard, shoes off and toes wiggling in the dew-kissed grass. It felt surprisingly liberating, like a prayer answered from on high. I felt the Lord’s creation more intimately than I had in years. And let’s not forget, it was downright ticklish and fun, like a throwback to those simpler times of running barefoot all summer long as a child. I even let out a little giggle – maybe too loud, as my dear husband Hank peeked out the window wondering what on earth (no pun intended) I was up to.

As I padded around the yard, I reminisced about the days when life was not as cluttered with gadgets and gizmos. ‘Taking a moment to reconnect with God’s green earth felt like a breath of fresh, Holy Spirit-infused air. I felt… peaceful, rejuvenated even. Was this earthing actually working? Or was it the Holy Spirit giving me a little nudge? Perhaps a bit of both.

Holy Rolling Thunder!

Alright, friends, time to address the elephant in the room. Though I roamed around barefoot with all the enthusiasm of a squirrel spotting an acorn, my practical side was ever-vigilant. Those scientific claims about reduced stress and better sleep? Well, after a week of this little experiment, I must say I felt a tad less cranky, and my sleep was, shall we say, more heavenly? Surely, embracing God’s creation this way was doing wonders for my well-being.

Yet, the skeptic in me couldn’t help but wonder if it was the grounding itself or the simple act of slowing down, away from the relentless blaze of technology and worldly worries. But hey, can’t a gal enjoy her little wonder without overthinking it? After all, faith and simplicity often go hand in hand. Ever think about how Jesus took time to commune with nature? There’s wisdom in walking those dusty roads, letting your feet feel the earth directly, perhaps gaining clarity and peace.

God’s Good Earth

So, dear readers, should you try this new wellness tip? I reckon, why not? God gave us this magnificent earth to live on, and He surely knew the joy of feeling His creation beneath His feet. Next time you find yourself questioning this age-old practice, just remember: there’s divine beauty and serenity in simplicity.

Now, I won’t say earthing will work miracles like some snake oil salesman at a county fair. But if it brings you even a slice of the peace I felt, then it’s worth the effort. There’s something wonderfully wholesome about reconnecting with the land – taking a break from the hustle and bustle to feel alive, grounded, and, dare I say, truly blessed.

So go on, kick off those shoes and let your tootsies dance in the grass. You might just find yourself more in tune with the good Lord’s creation. And if nothing else, it’s a lovely reminder of simpler times, and boy, we could all use a bit of that, couldn’t we?

Until next time, folks, keep your heart light, your faith strong, and your feet grounded! Amen.