Books and Pens Riddle

Listen, you absolutely should not read this article if you hate math, riddle-solving, or ridiculously cute emoji logic. Honestly, stop now. Look away. Go make a sandwich or something. Still here? Okay, you asked for it.

So, here’s a classic conundrum: three books plus three books plus three books equals 21. One book and one pen together make 8. What exactly does one book minus one pen give you? Will you get the Nobel Prize for figuring this out? Maybe not. But, in this corner of the internet, you’ll gain the ultimate satisfaction of being an emoji puzzle master.

The Nine Lives of The Book

Let’s tackle this beast from the very beginning. We know from the first equation that the books are hanging out in threesomes. Ah, books – they always have such great unity. So, three books equal 21. Simple enough when you divide 21 by 3, you get a single book having the value of 7. Quick maths!

Pens: The Sidekick Every Book Needs

With our newfound wisdom, we move on to the second equation where one lonely book teams up with one pen to give us an 8. Given that our nifty detective work revealed that a book is worth 7, all that’s left is to make 8 from 7 and one more – easy enough, that one more must be the pen! So, it turns out our pen is worth just 1.

Now, if you’ve followed along this far, either you’re a math wizard or are in desperate need of a good hobby. Just kidding. You’re amazing. Let’s not forget the final question here: what happens when you take a pen away from a book?

Books vs. Pens: The Showdown

Subtracting a pen from a book might sound dramatic. Picture a heavyweight match-up: the glorious 7-worth book squaring off with the meager 1-worth pen. Ringside crowds are on the edge of their seats. Cue the announcer voice: “And in the left corner, we have Book at 7 points! In the right corner, we have Pen at a somewhat less intimidating 1 point!” The bell rings, and BAM! Book minus Pen gives us 6 (because 7 – 1 = 6).

The Maths Made Fun Conclusion

So there you have it, dear reader. The mighty book and pen riddle revealed for all its worth in a succession of witty banter and satisfying math. Simple equations, skyrocketing entertainment value. You might not have set out with the goal of conquering a math riddle today, but now that you have, the world (and probably a few emoji) is ever so slightly more aligned. Go forth and riddle on.

The Answer in Emoji

📚 – 🖊️ = 6