8 Cooking Tricks Our Moms Never Told Us About! 🧑‍🍳✨ [Link in Comments]

Hello, friends and fellow culinary explorers! It’s Mary here, your dear ol’ friend guiding you through this delightful journey of lost culinary secrets. Now, I know what you’re thinking: ‘What could Mary possibly tell us that we haven’t heard a thousand times?’ Oh, you just wait and see! I bet you $5 you’ll be reading all the way to the end of this article, chuckling and nodding in agreement.

When you think about it, kitchens are like battlegrounds, aren’t they? From burnt pies to overcooked casseroles, each triumph and tragedy in that space teaches us invaluable lessons. What’s special about today’s tips is that they come wrapped in a bit of nostalgia, a sprinkle of humor, and a big dollop of practicality. And really, who doesn’t love a good practical tip? Especially when it might save us from burning yet another Sunday roast. But let’s get to it!

The Mysterious Power of Salt

Ever heard the saying ‘A pinch of salt goes a long way?’ Well, turns out that there’s more to it than just seasoning your soup. Coming from a family where salt was the seasoning du jour, imagine my surprise when I found out that salt can actually revive wilted greens! Yup, sprinkle a bit of salt on those sad-looking spinach leaves and watch them spring back to life. Almost like a little culinary resurrection—how’s that for a miracle in the kitchen?

The Eggcellent Trick

Speaking of kitchen miracles, let’s talk about eggs. Did you know the humble egg can determine the ripeness of your fruits? Just place your eggs in a bowl of water. If they lie flat at the bottom, they’re fresh. If they stand upright, they’re still good but need to be used soon. If they float, well, say goodbye. But that’s not all. Drop that fruit in the same bowl—overripe ones float, ready to be turned into pies or jam. Double-purpose and no extra dishes? Hallelujah!

The Bread Whisperers

Who among us hasn’t faced bread that’s gone drier than the Sahara Desert? Remember those government cheese sandwiches? Drier than a July sermon, right? Here’s a little secret: run that loaf under a bit of water, wrap it in foil, and bake it at 300°F for about 10-12 minutes. Voila! Your bread’s back from the dead, fresher than the ‘Amen!’ after a Sunday service.

The Perfect Roast

Now, let’s roast our way into perfection. If you’ve ever ended up with a Sunday roast tougher than your Uncle Bob’s hunting boots, you’re not alone. Here’s the trick: after rubbing down your roast with your favorite seasonings, let it sit out at room temperature for about thirty minutes before popping it in the oven. This way, the meat relaxes, and so will you when you see how tender it turns out. Trust me, it’s a revelation you don’t want to miss.

That Chill Factor

Ever wondered why some pie crusts come out flaky and others… not so much? Well, the secret lies in the fridge. Keep your ingredients, particularly the fats, like butter or shortening, as cold as possible before you mix them in. Cold fats mean your pastry will be the talk of the potluck. This hack, my dears, came from a lovely little church bake sale—the things one can learn from a pie, my word!

The Onion Application

Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room—or should I say, the onions in the kitchen. If you’ve ever sat through a tear-fest while chopping onions, this one’s for you. Place those onions in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes before you chop. That’s right! Your mascara will stay intact, and you’ll spare yourself from looking like you just watched ‘Old Yeller’ for the 50th time. You can thank me later.

Banana Bonanza

Don’t throw away those overripe bananas, folks. They’re the golden gems of the fruit world. You can freeze them for smoothies or knitting together a fabulous banana bread. My personal favorite? Mashed as a sweetener for baking. It’s like your grandmother’s secret ingredient. Bonus: no suspicious cholesterol levels either. You’re welcome!

Herb Puzzles

Last but not least, let’s talk about those fresh herbs. They can be as finicky as a cat on a rainy day, but there’s a way to preserve them for much longer. Chop them up and put them in ice cube trays. Fill with olive oil or melted butter, then freeze. Pop a cube or two into your cooking whenever you need an herbal boost. This trick gives your dishes a little more zest without the hassle. And isn’t that a divine way to keep the herb garden alive?

Well, there you have it, eight cooking tricks our moms might have never told us about because, well, they were probably too busy dealing with our antics or whipping up another of those jelly salads we loved so much. Life’s a funny thing, isn’t it? We’re never too old to learn something new—or too wise to laugh at our kitchen disasters. So next time you’re elbow-deep in dough or struggling with a tough roast, remember old Mary here and these little tips.

Until next time, dear friends. May your kitchens be filled with laughter, your recipes come out perfect (or perfectly humorous), and may you always cherish the joy of cooking. Amen.