Why LGBTQ Rights Are A Hot Topic Today: Mary’s Perspective

Well, hello there, gracious reader! Now, before you think this is just another blog post that’s going to preach to you about all the new-fangled, touchy-feely subjects of today’s age, let me assure you—it’s not. Frankly, there’s enough of that going around. What I want to talk about is why LGBTQ rights seem to be on everyone’s lips like Grandma’s apple pie recipe.

Let me paint a picture for you. I was born in the early 1960s in a small town in the heartland of America. Back then, the world seemed a whole lot simpler. We rode our bikes without helmets, drank from the hose, and nobody was ‘triggered’ by words. Fast forward to today, and it feels like the world has turned faster than my Aunt Marge’s revolving spice rack. The latest hot topic, sprouting like wild dandelions, is LGBTQ rights. Now, how did we get here?

Media Fanfare and Headlines

You can’t turn on the TV these days without being bombarded by some headline about LGBTQ issues. The media has this knack for taking a topic and running it into the ground faster than a farmer during harvest. Remember when everyone was up in arms about Y2K? Same drill, different day. They latch onto an idea and don’t let go until it’s all anyone talks about. So it’s no wonder that this issue feels like the elephant in the room. Everywhere we turn, the media’s making sure we don’t forget it. And if you want my two cents, it’s all about stirring that pot to keep ratings high.

The Loudest Voices at the Table

Now, I’m not saying people didn’t have different lifestyles back in our day. Of course, they did! But boy, it was more hush-hush than a church mouse at midnight. Today, it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Activists have become increasingly vocal and, dare I say, flamboyant in their methods. They’ve held parades, gained celebrity endorsements, and have an online presence stronger than Uncle Bob’s handshake. In this age of social media, their voices carry quite a punch! They’ve quilted their cause into the very fabric of our society, and honey, they aren’t picking out the stitches anytime soon.

A Generation Feeling Left Behind

I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes, it feels like the world is moving on without us. I’ve heard so many folks in my circle say they feel left behind, like trying to jump on a merry-go-round that’s already moving too fast. Bless their hearts, they’re often accused of being relics from a bygone era. Transitioning from a time where certain topics just weren’t openly discussed, to now, where you’re expected to keep up with every new pronoun and flag color, can be downright exhausting. It’s no wonder people our age sometimes roll their eyes and say Lord, save us.

Good Old-Fashioned Family Values

When it all boils down to gravy, people just want to protect what’s near and dear to them—family and faith. Most folks my age were raised with traditional values, and these rapid changes can be unsettling. What’s rooted in our minds is the image of how a family should be: a mom, a dad, maybe a couple of kids, and a dog if you’re so blessed. Anything challenging that image feels like someone’s trying to rearrange the furniture in our souls. The nuclear family is a cornerstone, and we cling to what we’ve always known, like a cat to a warm windowsill.

Let’s Not Forget the Influence of Hollywood

Hollywood has also played quite a part in pushing LGBTQ rights into the limelight. Movies, TV shows, and even commercials showcase every letter of that acronym like it’s the next best thing since sliced bread. They paint these colorful narratives that often differ wildly from real-life experiences in small-town USA. It’s no wonder some folks feel like they’re watching a foreign film without subtitles. Whether you agree with it or not, it’s apparent that Tinseltown’s agenda is louder than a rooster’s crow at dawn.

Is There A Silver Lining?

Despite feeling like we’re spinning in a topsy-turvy world, maybe there’s a silver lining if you look hard enough. The increased dialogue has opened some doors for understanding. My grandkids, for example, are growing up in a world more diverse than I could ever have imagined. They’re learning about inclusivity and acceptance from the get-go, which means maybe, just maybe, they’ll be kinder and more understanding than previous generations.

Whether we like it or not, the world’s changed and it’s bound to keep on changing. Now, I’m not saying we should throw out everything we hold dear and join the parade, but perhaps we can find a way to coexist without letting go of our core beliefs.

Well, if you’ve made it this far, I thank you kindly for lending me your ears (or eyes, in this case). Conversations about such hot topics can feel like walking through a field of landmines, but it’s important to keep talking. As we navigate through these changing times, just remember to keep your faith strong and your family close. After all, that’s what truly matters.