Frustrated Mom is caught behind a slow-moving automobile in traffic… then she takes a picture of the sign in their window, and

Being a wonderful mother, a loving wife, and managing a functioning home while also contributing to society is no easy task. For a mother with multiple children like Hailey, peace and quiet are rare. Every day brings new challenges, and even small delays can have significant impacts.

One morning, as Hailey was on her way to work, she found herself stuck behind a slow-moving car. It was hard for her to keep her cool because she was in a rush. Time wasn’t on her side, and the car in front seemed to be moving far too slowly.

While stopped at a red light, Hailey noticed a sign in the back window of the car. The sign read: “Learning stick, sorry for any delay.” This simple note made her realize the driver was learning to drive a manual transmission.

She shared this experience on her Facebook page, remarking, “Knowing this, I was quite patient with their gradual shifting, and to be honest, they were doing quite well for someone who was still learning.

“Then I asked myself a difficult question: would I have been as patient if the sign had not been there? I can almost certainly say no. We don’t always know what someone else is going through. People don’t wear signs that say ‘divorced,’ ‘lost a child,’ ‘depressed,’ or ‘diagnosed with cancer.’”

Hailey’s perspective shifted. She thought to herself, “If we could see what others are going through, we would be kinder. We shouldn’t need signs to remind us to treat others with patience, kindness, and love. We should extend these courtesies to everyone, regardless of whether we know their story or not.”

The note on the car’s window left a lasting impression on Hailey. She could have remained upset and annoyed but chose tolerance instead. From that moment, she resolved to be more understanding and patient with others, recognizing that everyone has hidden struggles.