8 Reasons Why You’re More Adventurous Than You Think

Hey there, you cautious creature. Mary here. Look, I know you’d rather binge-watch Netflix with your cat than summit Everest. But guess what? You’ve got more adventure in your little pinky than you realize. Don’t believe me? Stick around—you might just surprise yourself. Or don’t. I mean, why take that tiny risk, right? Oh, still here? Let’s go on an adventure, shall we?

1. You’ve Eaten at a Food Truck

Oh, you fearless culinary explorer, you. Seriously, food trucks are like the Indiana Jones of the dining world. You never know if that mysterious taco is going to become your new comfort food or an unfortunate evening in the bathroom. The sheer act of ordering food from a mobile kitchen that parks on the side of the road shows that you’ve got some daring taste buds. Trust me, you could give Anthony Bourdain a run for his money.

2. You’ve Watched a Foreign Film Without Subtitles

If you’ve ever endured a two-hour movie in a language you don’t speak, simply because it had a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, you are the epitome of adventurous. This is not a small feat; it’s like visiting a foreign country but without the jetlag and pesky customs. Forget brushing up your Duolingo; you’ve already shown you can survive the cinematic wilderness without a map.

3. You’ve Said ‘Yes’ to Something Without Reading the Fine Print

We’ve all been there. Your friend hands you a waiver for that “fun” ropes course, and you sign your life away without so much as a skim. Do you know who else does that? Adventurous people. They’re called daredevils, and congratulations, you’ve just earned your badge. Certainty is for the timid; you live life on the edge—or at least, on a very questionable set of obstacles in the forest.

4. You’ve Taken Public Transportation in a New City

Listen, navigating public transportation in your own city is an adventure. Doing it in a city you’re unfamiliar with? That’s like navigating the labyrinth with only your smartphone and a suspicious-looking map. Have you ever had to figure out which stop to get off at, decipher garbled announcements, and endure the occasional suspicious odor? If so, you’re basically Bear Grylls in urban camouflage.

5. You’ve Dated Someone Out of Your Type

Dating is like signing up for a rollercoaster ride designed by a psychotic engineer who finds joy in unexpected twists and turns. Now, dating outside your “type”? That, my dear, is strapping yourself into an undisclosed contraption in a dark warehouse and saying, “Hit the go button.” It’s exhilarating and risky, and it shows you’ve got more chutzpah than you let on.

6. You’ve Participated in an Open Mic Night

Standing in front of an audience, regardless of its size, and performing anything from a poem to a stand-up routine? Kudos to you, you thrill-seeker. Open mic nights are to life what bungee jumping is to extreme sports. Heart pounding, palms sweaty, but you did it anyway. That kind of bravado is pure adventurer gold. Queue the roaring applause now.

7. You’ve Gone Somewhere Without Cell Service

Imagine stepping into a place where your phone bars drop to zero. Yes, it’s almost a horror movie scenario but guess what? You survived, maybe even thrived. Whether it’s a camping trip in the mountains or a day trip to the rural countryside, functioning without search engines and social media shows that you can disconnect and truly experience life, Indiana Jones style.

8. You’ve Taken a Different Route to Work

Believe it or not, small changes in daily routines are direct, bold challenges to monotony. Taking a new path to work—even if it’s just to avoid construction—requires a bit of courage. It’s like choosing your own adventure story, except instead of haunted castles, your obstacles are detours and new coffee shops. Tiny thrill seeker, I see you, and I salute your bravery.

So there you have it. Go ahead, take a bow. You’re practically living a double life as a closeted adventurer. Or continue thinking you’re the homebody who prefers solitude and soup. Either way, I’ve just proved you wrong. Step out, embrace it, and who knows? Maybe your next adventure is just around the corner, like trying a new Pinterest recipe or talking to the mysterious neighbor with the three-legged dog. You’ve got this.

With love and absolutely zero subtlety,Mary