If there is a will, there is a way!

Have you ever felt tired of your old and drab apartment? Well, this one couple decided to take matters into their own hands and completely transform their space! And let me tell you, the results are absolutely stunning! 😍💪

When this husband and wife bought their old and run-down apartment, it wasn’t because they loved its condition. In fact, it left much to be desired. But they had no other choice because their son’s school was conveniently located nearby. The apartment did have some redeeming qualities, though, like a beautiful view and being away from the noise of the traffic.

They started their transformation by painting the walls in the entrance area a lovely muted blue shade and opting for cement tiles for the floor. In the hallway, they cleverly created a large storage area with a niche, which they covered with elegant velvet curtains. These curtains can also be extended to cover the doorway of the front door, adding a touch of sophistication.

Now, let’s talk about the kitchen. The owner of the apartment is a passionate cook and even attended a professional international gastronomic school. So, naturally, they wanted to create a kitchen that felt close to professional. They made sure to include everything they needed and even had to move the gas pipe slightly to accommodate their vision. The kitchen’s set features metal-like facades and a white rectangular tile-lined apron.

But that’s not all! They also made sure to create a functional workspace for the owner of the apartment, who occasionally works from home. They cleverly placed a washing machine near the window and organized a compact workplace to the right of it.

Now, let’s move on to the living-dining room. Since the new owners had to make a choice between creating an isolated bedroom or a living room, they decided it was best to create a space where the whole family could spend time together. They painted the walls gray and laid the floor with parquet in a French herringbone layout. At the entrance, there is a spacious dining area where the whole family can comfortably gather. And if you look closely, you’ll find an invisible door that leads to a spacious dressing room. How cool is that?

The couple’s two sons also got their own space in this apartment makeover. The second isolated room now includes two workspaces, plenty of storage, and a bunk bed conveniently located to the right of the entrance. Talk about maximizing every inch of space!

Last but not least, the bathroom. The couple decided to keep the bathroom and toilet separate, which required some smart redevelopment. They laid cement tiles on the floor and used large-format marble-imitation tiles for the stylish wall cladding.

In the end, the transformation of this old and tired apartment is truly remarkable. It just goes to show that with a little imagination, hard work, and determination, anything is possible! So, the next time you feel frustrated with your living space, take a page from this couple’s book and let your creativity soar!