Last week, a devastating traffic accident took the life of Dr. David Genecov, the long-time physician of Duck Dynasty actors Missy and Jase Robertson’s daughter, Mia Robertson. Mia, who had undergone multiple surgeries to fix her cracked lip and palate, took to Instagram to share the news with her followers.
Dr. Genecov had been more than just a doctor to Mia. He had been a kind and helpful presence in her life, providing not only medical treatment but also emotional support. Mia and her family are heartbroken by his sudden passing, as they had treasured their time together over the years.
Mia Robertson feels incredibly blessed to have had such a skilled and compassionate pediatrician throughout her life. Despite the shock and sadness that his death has brought, she will forever cherish the memories they shared. Dr. Genecov’s love will continue to live on in Mia’s heart, serving as a constant reminder that he will never be forgotten.
Missy Robertson, Mia’s mother, spoke about how Dr. Genecov’s generosity and continuous support had a profound impact on their lives. His caring attitude brought them peace, and his encouragement instilled in them the belief that they could overcome any obstacle. In July, Mia underwent her 14th operation, which she believes will be her last. Inspired by her own journey, Mia started the “Mia Moo Fund” to help other children receive medical care and regain their smiles, regardless of financial constraints.
With the unwavering support of their family and friends, Missy and Mia have grown stronger in the face of adversity. Missy’s husband, in particular, played a crucial role in bringing peace and stability to their lives during this challenging time. His presence made Mia’s 14th operation in July fear-free, and he helped them develop a newfound strength to face whatever came their way.
Through the establishment of the “Mia Moo Fund,” Mia aims to make a difference in the lives of children in need of medical care. The fund provides financial support so that no child has to compromise their smile due to financial constraints. Mia’s determination to give back is fueled by her gratitude for the love and medical breakthroughs Dr. Genecov provided on her journey with a cracked lip and palate.
When Missy broke the sad news to Mia, she took it to heart. Dr. Genecov’s commitment to including his patients in decision-making, along with his impeccable style and elegance, left a lasting impression on those he helped and those closest to him. Mia considers herself fortunate to have met Dr. David Genecov. His contributions to her life and the field of medicine, especially in the treatment of cracked lip and palate, will be remembered for generations to come.
Missy Robertson emphasized the significance of Dr. Genecov’s work and warmth during times of need. The impact he had on their family’s hearts is immeasurable, and they are eternally grateful for the medical advancements he brought forth, benefiting lives worldwide.
Let us take a moment to remember the life and legacy of Dr. David Genecov, a remarkable physician who touched the lives of countless individuals, including Mia Robertson and her family. May his soul rest in eternal peace.