Cameron Diaz, the beloved Hollywood actress, has been missing from the big screen for some time now. But don’t worry, she has no regrets about leaving her career behind. She recently opened up about her decision to retire from Hollywood and why she decided to make a comeback for one more film.
Diaz had an incredible career in the film industry. She starred in iconic movies like “The Mask” and “There’s Something About Mary” and was a part of blockbuster franchises like “Shrek” and “Charlie’s Angels.” She was one of Hollywood’s most sought-after actresses and achieved immense fame and success.
However, in 2017, Diaz made the choice to step away from Hollywood and focus on herself and her family. She realized that she had been working tirelessly for too long and needed a change. In an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow, Diaz explained, “I had gone so hard for so long, working, making films, and it’s such a grind. I didn’t really make any space for my personal life.”
Diaz married musician Benji Madden from Good Charlotte and they welcomed their daughter, Raddix, in 2019. She wanted to prioritize her personal life and take back control of her own time. Diaz revealed that she didn’t miss the hectic and demanding schedule that came with being a movie star. The long hours on set and constant pressure had taken a toll on her.
“When you’re making a movie, it’s the perfect excuse. They own you,” Diaz said. “You’re there 12 hours a day for months on end. You have no time for anything else. And I realized I handed off parts of my life to all these other people, and they took it. And I had to basically take it back and take responsibility for my life.”
During her time away from the screen, Diaz kept herself busy by writing two bestselling health books, “The Body Book” and “The Longevity Book.” Retirement suited her well, and she had no regrets about leaving Hollywood behind.
But, there’s good news for her fans! Diaz decided to make a comeback for one more film titled “Back in Action,” alongside Jamie Foxx. This much-anticipated film will be released on Netflix this year. Diaz and Foxx have worked together before and she couldn’t resist a chance to reunite with her old co-star.
However, sources say that Diaz’s return to Hollywood is only temporary. After completing filming for “Back in Action,” she plans to retire once again. Spending time with her family, especially her daughter, is her priority. Diaz loves being a mom more than anything in the world.
Cameron Diaz’s decision to retire from Hollywood and focus on her personal life is truly inspiring. She’s a wonderful actress who has left an indelible mark on the film industry. Let’s celebrate her choices and support her in this new chapter of her life!
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