Boyfriend Always Finds a Reason Not to Invite Me Over to His Place, Everything Changed When I Found out Why

Boyfriend Always Finds a Reason Not to Invite Me Over to His Place, Everything Changed When I Found out Why – Story of the Day

Not long ago, Jolene felt alone and doubted she’d ever walk down the aisle. But now, she was dreaming of her wedding with Steve. Yet, there was one thing that bothered her — Steve never invited her to his house. Was he keeping a secret?

As they held hands, strolling through a peaceful street under the streetlights, Jolene couldn’t have felt more content. The cool breeze lightly brushed against them as they shared laughter that floated softly into the night air.

Despite their relationship being just two months old, it had the comfort and warmth of an old bond.

Jolene looked at him, her smile teasing. “Remember when I first saw your profile picture on the dating app?”

Steve chuckled, curious. “What about it?”

She laughed, “It was that picture with you and that massive fish! I thought, who tries to impress with a catch like that?”

His cheeks reddened a bit, amusement clear in his smile. “Hey, that was a proud moment! Besides,” he puffed his chest jokingly, “It showed I could provide.”

Jolene couldn’t help but giggle at his playful tone as their laughter turned into a gentle kiss.

But then, he pulled back slightly.

“It’s late,” he mentioned softly, glancing up. “Let’s get you a taxi.”

Jolene was taken aback. “Or,” she suggested, “we could head to your place together?”

Steve gave a sheepish chuckle. “My place isn’t far, I’ll walk.”

Jolene felt her brows crease lightly. “Then let’s walk together,” she said with a hint of curiosity.

Yet, he moved to call her a taxi, awkwardly mumbling, “Maybe next time.”

Soon, a taxi arrived, and as she sat inside, her mind buzzed with questions. What was Steve reluctant to show?

The next morning, the unanswered questions from last night loomed large.

Jolene baked a pie, aiming to have a thoughtful reason for an impromptu visit.

Pie in hand, she set out for Steve’s address, mentally preparing for what she might uncover.

Standing at Steve’s door, her heart thudded; she heard voices from inside — a woman and a child.

When Steve opened the door, Jolene’s heart sank further. “I brought a pie,” she said, peering past him.

“Are you married, Steve?” Her voice wavered.

Steve took a breath. “I was. My wife passed,” he whispered.

A small voice broke in, “Hi! I’m Lucy!” said the child, brightening the room.

Jolene’s heart softened, kneeling to greet Lucy.

Steve’s younger daughter, Carla, peeked out; her shy wave captivated Jolene.

As she joined them for dinner, she saw in the girls’ smiles why Steve had guarded this part of his life.

Jolene realized Steve didn’t hide secrets, but protected his cherished family.

Over dinner, the warmth of their family touched her deeply.

Later, Steve confessed, “I feared you’d find us too much.”

Jolene took his hand calmly, “I was worried, too. Now, knowing the truth, I’m relieved and ready.”

Steve smiled, gratitude clear. “Thank you,” he whispered, relieved she was still there.

As Jolene left, she knew their relationship had deepened, based on honesty and hope.

Once strangers, they were stepping towards a future that promised trust and family.