My Husband Took Our Wedding Night From Bliss To Disaster

Our Wedding Night Took an Unexpected Turn

Relationships involve a lot of give-and-take, and this is especially true right from the start of a marriage. Of course, consideration for your partner is essential, but let’s be clear—keeping secrets is definitely not helpful. In fact, it can lead to disastrous consequences.

Here’s a story that exemplifies this beautifully: a newlywed couple had a serious conversation on their wedding night, and the bride couldn’t have predicted just how wild things would get.

On our wedding night, as excitement filled the air, I hesitated. “Scott, can we… can we talk for a bit?” I asked, suggesting postponing any immediate ‘activities.’

Scott frowned. “Talk? Now?”

Despite his frustration, I emphasized the need for conversation and rest after a long day. Begrudgingly, he agreed, masking his disappointment with a gentle kiss on my cheek before we settled in for the night. The tranquility of our lavender-scented suite was shattered when I awoke a few hours later to find our bed shaking.

Through blurry eyes, I saw Scott kneeling by the bed, cradling a baby.

“Scott?” I gasped, utterly confused. “What’s going on?”

He stammered, “Everly, this is Ella.” His voice was shaky. “She’s my orphaned niece. My stepsister, Maya, is gone now. I just found out about this a few weeks ago.”

Reeling from shock, I could barely grasp how a baby had appeared in our room on our wedding night.

“A few weeks ago?” I repeated, desperate for clarity.

“Everly, I was scared you’d leave if you knew about her,” Scott confessed, avoiding my gaze.

“How could you do this, Scott? How do we start our life together on lies?” I took a deep breath. “Scott, what’s your plan? Are we going to adopt Ella?”

“I haven’t thought that far, Everly. But right now, I just need to take care of her,” he replied, suggesting we postpone further discussion. I agreed, feeling too tired to argue more, yet there was a pit in my stomach.

The next day, back at Scott’s estate, it felt like a decision had been made for us. Ella was now part of our lives, and I felt powerless but unsure how to change it.

While cradling Ella one evening, I sought answers about Scott’s past and his stepsister, Maya. “Scott, why are we raising her baby if your family cut ties with your stepsister?”

Scott’s hesitance made me fume. “But she’s Ella’s mother, isn’t she? Tell me more about her!”

“Everly, this isn’t about Maya. It’s about Ella. She’s innocent and has no one else but us,” Scott replied.

I asked about Ella’s father, but Scott shut the conversation down.

My curiosity got the better of me when I found a photo in Scott’s study that contradicted his story. It showed him happy and close with a pregnant woman, possibly Maya.

When he came home, I confronted him, holding up the photo. “Explain this, Scott. And be honest. You said you were estranged, but this photo says otherwise.”

Scott couldn’t deny the photo. “You’re right. That’s Maya. My family cut ties, but I still met her secretly to help,” he admitted.

“Why hide it? Why lie?”

“I was afraid you’d leave. I wanted you to love Ella without getting caught up in her origins,” he explained.

“We can’t have a life built on secrets and half-truths, Scott. We need honesty, for Ella’s sake and ours,” I demanded, arms crossed.

Scott was shocked when I suggested potentially putting Ella up for adoption.

“Adoption? Everly, she’s my responsibility,” Scott argued.

“Maybe find a loving foster family. Someone could be a better mother than me—”

“Is this a test? You think I married you just to be a mother for Ella?”


“You’re being ridiculous!”

His words felt like a slap. Restrained or not, I knew something was very wrong.

Overwhelmed with emotions and unanswered questions, I took Ella to the beach to clear my head. There, a mysterious woman approached, curling her lip. “Scott’s daughter?”

“No, his niece. Who are you? How do you know Scott?” I wrapped my arms protectively around Ella.

The woman laughed cruelly, “His niece? She’s his twin.” Then, with a chilling whisper, she added, “Run for your life,” and walked away.

Back home, I confronted Scott, who insisted there were no more secrets. “No, Scott. There’s something you’re not telling me. Ella isn’t your niece; she’s your daughter,” I accused.

Scott’s reaction confirmed it. “Yes, Everly. Ella is my daughter,” he confessed.

“How could you lie about your child? How could you betray our trust?” I cried.

Scott explained his past, his relationship with Ella’s mother, and his desperation to keep Ella safe.

“You’ve betrayed me and Ella by starting our marriage with lies,” I said, sobbing.

Days of contemplation led me to a painful decision. I loved Ella but couldn’t stay married to a liar. “I’m leaving. I can’t do this,” I declared, packed and ready to go.

Scott pleaded, “Please, Everly, think about Ella. She needs you.”

“Ella is your daughter, Scott. Not mine,” I said firmly. Scott let me go.

In my small apartment downtown, I buried myself in work as a fashion designer, but the void of Ella’s absence was profound. Despite the pain, I missed Ella. Scott’s relentless attempts to reconcile didn’t help.

One morning, Scott showed up with Ella. Her giggles softened the walls around my heart.

Reluctantly, I let them in. Scott’s apologies and promises of honesty clashed with my doubt. “Would you forgive me if I had done what you did?” I asked.

Scott couldn’t answer. But his vow to build a truthful family resonated with my yearning for our shared dream.

“A family built on truth, not lies,” Scott promised. “Please come home, Everly.”

I hugged Ella tightly and nodded at Scott, who embraced us both.

Months later, Scott excused himself for a supposed emergency. Suspicious, I received an ominous envelope the next day. Inside was a photo of the mysterious woman from the beach holding a child, with a chilling note: “Maya’s not the only secret Scott’s buried.”

This implied more secrets in Scott’s past. I called the number on the note, reaching the woman, who introduced herself as Amanda.

“Meet me at Brown Beans Café,” she instructed urgently. “Don’t tell Scott.”

At the café, Amanda revealed she was Scott’s ex-wife and the child in the photo was their baby, Renee. Her dark revelations about Scott’s cult involvement shook me to the core.

“Scott’s not who he seems. He’s using you,” Amanda insisted.

“But why? How did you find out?” I asked, my voice trembling.

“Maya found out and tried to expose him. That’s when she had her accident,” Amanda whispered. “You need to be careful. Play along until we can devise an escape plan.”

Overwhelmed, I fainted.

In the hospital later, I was shocked to learn I was pregnant.

Amanda’s warning echoed as I returned home. “He wants a male child for his cult,” she had said. Dread filled me as I entered the house.

When Scott arrived, I was ready. “We need to talk,” I said. “I’m pregnant.”

Scott’s initial joy turned to rage when I showed him an empty vial. “I terminated the pregnancy,” I lied.

Scott exploded, but police intervened, arresting him for assault and murder. Amanda’s presence was comforting.

Later, with baby Ella and Amanda beside me, she said, “You’ll make a wonderful mother.”

I smiled, looking past my home, the police cars…into the camera.

“Cut! That was perfect!” the director yelled, and reality shifted back.

Scott, my real-life husband and co-star, hugged me. “Great job, Everly!”

Our film was inspired by a wedding night mishap involving Scott’s niece, baby Ella. This journey, filled with humor, drama, and love, taught us that even in chaos, there’s always a story, a lesson, and a smile to share.