You won’t believe how Richard Simmons was buried

Picture this: you’re attending a celebrity funeral and, instead of the traditional black tie and solemn mood, you are greeted with a riot of colors. Sequins shimmer and the air is filled with a sense of jubilant celebration of life. Why, you might ask? Because Richard Simmons, the beloved fitness guru known for his flamboyant personality and neon workout gear, was laid to rest wearing exactly what he wore best—his workout clothes.

Simmons, who danced his way into our hearts with his signature blend of charm, spirit, and glittering attire, has always been larger than life. So, it comes as no surprise that even in death, Simmons continues to break conventions and inspire smiles. His brother recently confirmed that Richard was buried in his iconic workout clothes, and I have to say, that’s one way to keep the party going even from six feet under.

For anyone who’s ever seen Simmons in action, this choice feels almost as though it were inevitable. Can you imagine him in anything less than a kaleidoscope of colors? His vibrant approach to life was exemplified by his resolute decision to be true to his outrageous yet genuine self right until the end. It’s enough to make you want to swap out your own monochrome wardrobe for something a little more… luminous.

Now, you might be pondering the idea: should we consider wearing what makes us feel most like ourselves for our final celebration? Should we, like Simmons, defy the norms and embrace our true colors, quite literally? After all, if a pair of sequined shorts and a neon tank have the power to make us smile and remember someone with joy, why settle for anything less?

However, let’s not forget Simmons was not just about the clothes. Fierce and energetic, he inspired countless individuals to shed more than just pounds – he helped them lose insecurities and gain self-confidence. Fueling the fires of a fitness revolution in the ’80s and ’90s, he broke down barriers with his at-home workout videos and impromptu dance parties that left everyone breathless, not just from the exercise but from the sheer power of his enthusiasm.

Imagine a video montage playing at the ceremony, highlighting Simmons’ electrifying aerobic sessions. Picture the gathered crowd smiling through tears as they watch clips of Simmons leading an auditorium full of people in a synchronized dance, everyone mirroring his electrifying energy, against a backdrop of blaring synth music and leg warmers galore.

If you’ve ever joined Simmons on one of his exercise escapades, you’ll know his philosophy went well beyond mere physical fitness. He championed a more inclusive idea: health was for everyone, regardless of age, size, or ability. Embracing the joy of movement, he fostered a community where the only requirement was to show up and move in whatever way worked for you.

In short, Simmons was a figure of great personal agency and authenticity. While other fitness personalities may have come and gone, his approach and persona have remained timeless, making this final sartorial choice one that’s both fitting and meaningful. There’s something almost poetic about knowing that his jazzy garb accompanied him into eternity – continuing to express who he was and what he represented.

So what does Richard Simmons teach us even in his passing? Maybe it’s the importance of embracing who we truly are and expressing that without remorse. It’s about letting the world see the brightness we each have to share, and when the time comes, ensuring we’re remembered for it in glitter and spandex—or whatever makes your heart sing.

And in the end, perhaps Mary would say, “Rock on, Richard, you fabulous soul. The world is a little less colorful without you, but your legacy ensures it won’t fade away.”