There’s a place online where the boundaries between reality and nightmare blur. It’s not Instagram, not Facebook, not even the darkest recesses of Reddit. It’s the dark web—a hidden part of the internet that’s shrouded in mystery, where people go for anonymity and illicit activity. But there are corners of this shadowy network that go beyond drug deals or stolen credit cards. Some places on the dark web are steeped in terror, where strange occurrences and sinister forces seem to exist beyond human comprehension.
I stumbled upon one such place—The Forgotten Forum—and I almost wish I hadn’t.

The Beginning of the Descent
I’ve always had a curiosity for the unexplored. Not the typical tourist destinations or even the deep jungles of the Amazon. I wanted to understand the dark side of the internet. It was pure intrigue, mixed with a hint of adrenaline-seeking. One night, fueled by boredom and a few too many beers, I decided to explore the dark web.
I knew enough to use Tor and steer clear of sketchy download links. After browsing through several run-of-the-mill marketplaces and forums, I found something different—a site that appeared in no lists or directories. It was simply called The Forgotten Forum. There was no description, no information about what it was. The only note was a cryptic message: “Where you go, you may not return the same.”
Of course, I clicked the link.

Welcome to the Forum
The first thing that struck me was its simplicity. Unlike other dark web sites that were crude, full of ads, or poorly designed, this was clean, minimalistic, and eerily quiet. There was a single thread, titled, Lost Souls – Share Your Stories.
Curiosity piqued, I opened the thread. What I found were hundreds of posts, each more unnerving than the last. People wrote about strange occurrences that began happening after they visited the site—hearing voices, seeing shadowy figures, feeling a presence watching them even when they were alone.
The posts seemed too outlandish to be true, so I assumed it was just a community of online horror enthusiasts trying to spook each other. It was creepy, sure, but not enough to scare me away. I was about to exit when I saw a new post, one that hadn’t been there moments earlier.
The title was simple: “YOU HAVE BEEN MARKED.”

The Message
I hesitated before clicking it, but I gave in. The post was brief:
“You have entered a place where your soul is now exposed. They have seen you. They are coming for you. You will see them soon.”
I laughed, brushing it off as someone trolling new visitors to the site. Still, it felt a little too targeted. After all, I had just joined, and this message appeared almost immediately after I started exploring. A chill ran down my spine, but I told myself it was all in my head. I closed the browser and shut down my computer for the night.
That’s when the strange things began to happen.

The First Sign
I live alone, so when I heard soft knocking on my front door at 2 a.m., it immediately set me on edge. I crept to the door and peeked through the peephole—nothing. My heart was racing as I opened the door slightly to look outside. The street was empty, just the soft hum of distant traffic.
Shaken, I went back to bed, dismissing it as my mind playing tricks on me. I woke up the next morning feeling uneasy but still convinced it was just a coincidence.

Then came the whispers.
It started when I was working on my computer the following day. At first, I thought it was a faint sound from the street, but as the hours passed, it became louder and more distinct. It was a voice, whispering in a language I didn’t understand, but the tone was unmistakable—angry, menacing.
I tore my headphones off and spun around, fully expecting to see someone behind me. No one was there.

The Shadow
For the next few days, things escalated. I would see glimpses of a shadowy figure out of the corner of my eye—always just at the edge of my vision. At first, it was brief, like a trick of the light. But the more I ignored it, the more pronounced it became. One night, while brushing my teeth, I saw it behind me in the bathroom mirror.
I froze, my eyes locked on the dark, featureless figure standing in the doorway. I turned around, but nothing was there.
I was losing my mind, or so I thought.
The Forgotten Forum Strikes Back
I went back to The Forgotten Forum to look for answers. My heart pounded as I logged on. The thread I had visited before, Lost Souls – Share Your Stories, had now changed. It was no longer a long list of user posts. Instead, there was a single message at the top of the page:
“Do you believe now? There is no escape.”
I slammed my laptop shut. The figure was no figment of my imagination—it was real. And it was coming for me.

The Final Revelation
Desperate, I contacted a friend who knew about the dark web. I told him everything, hoping he’d have some logical explanation, or at the very least, advice on how to stop the madness. He was silent for a while before saying something that chilled me to my core.
“The Forgotten Forum is not a typical dark web site. It’s an ancient trap, a gateway for malevolent entities to latch onto curious souls. It doesn’t just play with your mind—it breaks the barrier between the digital world and the spiritual one. The more you interact with it, the more power it has over you.”
I felt sick. I hadn’t just visited a dark web horror forum. I had opened a door to something far worse.
They Are Here
The whispers became a constant presence in my life, the shadow no longer confined to the edges of my vision. It followed me now, a permanent companion. I tried everything—cleansing rituals, prayers, even destroying my computer—but nothing worked.
One night, I woke up to find the figure standing at the foot of my bed. It was closer than ever before. I couldn’t move, paralyzed with fear. Its presence filled the room, suffocating me with an overwhelming sense of dread.
And then it spoke.
“You belong to us now.”

The voice echoed in my mind, not out loud but directly into my thoughts. The figure took a step forward, its dark form looming over me, and for the first time, I could see its eyes—black, hollow, and infinite. I screamed, but no sound came out. It reached for me.
The Final Post
I haven’t been able to shake the feeling that I’m being watched, even as I write this. The shadow follows me wherever I go. I don’t know how much longer I can take it.
If you’re reading this, heed my warning: stay away from The Forgotten Forum. It’s not just a dark web horror story—it’s real. They are real.
And they are coming for you next.
— End —